Jorma Pack

If you know of a song that you think would make a good lesson, here is the place to bring it up. As of May, 2015 we have over 800 song lessons but are always on the lookout for more. Be sure to point out what about the song makes it a good candidate, unique or unusual, a particular part that interests you, or just that you think a bunch of members would enjoy it. An embedded video would be helpful as well.
Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:09 pm
Status: Offline

Sat Mar 11, 2023 11:07 am

Thanks for doing Jorma pack w Hesitation Blues - Also didnt know that cool lick in Manns Fate

Thanks for taking suggestions and then putting it out

I am same generation as you and yes that (reddish blurry image) Hot Tuna album was one of my faves too
