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>>New Target and Pay Per Lesson release - Rev. Gary Davis - Cocaine Blues

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:44 am
by TGMatt
Today's Target and Pay per lesson release is now live

Cocaine Blues is another Rev. Gary Davis tune in what he called "old fashioned picking", meaning steady alternating bass notes and not too complex in his eyes. It is one of his most covered songs, having been played by the likes of Dave Van Ronk and Jackson Browne for example.

This lesson presents a simple way of accompanying the verse and chorus as well as more complicated variations and a short instrumental solo.

It is a level 6 tune, hope you enjoy it


Matt ... davis#song

Re: >>New Target and Pay Per Lesson release - Rev. Gary Davis - Cocaine Blues

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:57 am
by willem
Lets sniff some bleus..