Original Composition 101 upload thread?

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:28 am

Around New Years TG Matt was asking for suggestions about possible new ideas for the site...I been mulling that
question a while and I might have a possible idea.

Let me preface this by saying this is just an idea. And I don't want to create a lot of unnecessary work for Neil and the team. And, with the busking , the student reviews, and the collaborations (which are all awesome) would it just plain be too much? I dunno...

Here goes my pitch:

My idea would be to have a separate uploader for original compositions. Mark's recent original piece got me thinking there are a lot of specific: concepts, ideas, learning opportunities, that might arise...and not come in conversation otherwise. Potential learning roadblocks that could be flagged, also. I think we would get a lot out of seeing each others' creative endeavors. (I am already trying to slap that sucker like Mark did, in his original.)
We would be seeing more approaches and contexts of musicality from more people..
I it think would be a great tool.

I may be in the minority here, but I don't think someone needs to be a virtuoso before he or she takes a whack at a song. I see no reason why we can't be honing these skills at the same time we're learning Neil Young or Pink Floyd tunes; and have it be mutually beneficial for like-minded individuals. Don't get me wrong I love learning those tunes, but to me originals are attempts at applying that knowledge. Also, as the community continues to grow and flourish (b.t.w. a lot of folks are getting scary-good) an outlet for this type of inspiration might be just the thing. I have sometimes wondered if Neil's students in Northern California ever bring in tunes they are composing and they sit and talk shop: how to apply this,what kind of mood are you trying to create?, try this scale over that, voice leading, incorporating harmonized triads, and a ga-zillion other things. Stuff you just know Neil is brilliant at.

So you expect Neil who already works like a dog to review these things?

NOPE, Videos take an hour to do, and probably half a day to prep... I think posted message every once in while when he sees fit with suggestions and feedback would get the job done. We all have access to that info as well.

How would this be different than just posting this in the busking, collaboration, or student review thread?

SHORT ANSWER: It doesn't fit in any current category. Plus, you wouldn't feel like a heel for posting it in more or less, the wrong channel.

If you made this far, thanks for reading...


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Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:32 pm

I think it's a great idea, how about a bit of direction from Neil with some parameters for writing a specific type of tune, maybe with a given key and time signature so people could work on something for a set amount of time and then compare each other's compositions? Just a thought...


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Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:05 pm

Yeah, thanks Dean.

I think I'm pickin' up what you're layin' down.
(Actually, I was thinking kind of along those lines, too.)

It could be almost like a take-home quiz or an assignment...Stuff like:Take this chord progression progression. I want a song in such and such time signature. I want a four bar solo...what scales are your options for soloing and why?

Neil supplies the generalized problem/challenge and then we do our come up with a solution within those
parameters. Then when we think we have something that meets the criteria...we post that puppy.
As far as Neil's responses go, they could be done via typed message. (when he sees fit)
Or, He could give certain solutions with the weekly wrap up.

Obviously , Neil has to like the idea. But I think it has potential.

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:08 am

Cori et al,

This idea is innovative. I like the concept of having a musical puzzle to solve. I also think it would be fun to compare each member's efforts and learn from each other. Let's continue to pursue this with the TG team and the rest of the forum members.


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Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:29 am


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Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:59 am

Yep, that's it. I am glad you like the concept. It still needs some fleshing out...but yes, that is pretty much the idea.
(I'm sure there are ways to improve upon the idea that other members might have...)

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:49 am

I think these are all good ideas.

At present there isn't really anywhere for us to upload and discuss our own ideas.
They could go in the student review forum but a seperate forum would keep them all together.

The idea of getting an outline of a song and seeing what everyone comes up with is a really good one.

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