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Re: leaving totally guitars

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:13 pm
by Music Junkie
unclewalt wrote:
In person lessons are very different from online lessons, of course. There are benefits and drawbacks to each.
Not to get sidetracked too much, but you make a great point here. I hate to admit that my diligence has faltered considerably since switching to on-line lessons. I don't have to answer to anyone weekly on my progress, and it shows in my abilities. Although I am still learning and progressing, I don't fear that stress of not being ready for a lesson. That is a problem of mine, and may not be one for others....

Re: leaving totally guitars

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:49 pm
by willem
Music Junkie wrote:
unclewalt wrote:
In person lessons are very different from online lessons, of course. There are benefits and drawbacks to each.
Not to get sidetracked too much, but you make a great point here. I hate to admit that my diligence has faltered considerably since switching to on-line lessons. I don't have to answer to anyone weekly on my progress, and it shows in my abilities. Although I am still learning and progressing, I don't fear that stress of not being ready for a lesson. That is a problem of mine, and may not be one for others....

It is great to go back at the video lessons you want to learn and don't have the stress and you can always upload a video for review.

I don't agree with the saying that this site is' nt for everyone (not that you say that), you can learn here from the helped me lot.

you can always buy one lesson and don't get sidetracked by the 999+ great lessons.

Nesh your words a few posts back have more value then to say what a student pays you for a private lesson and both the teacher and student has to have the click with each other.


Re: leaving totally guitars

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:00 pm
by thereshopeyet
Image :dry: :ohmy:


Re: leaving totally guitars

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:11 pm
by unclewalt

Re: leaving totally guitars

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 7:22 pm
by sandysue
Many of you who originally joined TG, and supported and helped Neil launch TG in 2009, created a special bond with each other and with Neil during that time. i've seen a few of you posting Goodby To TG messages on the forum lately for various reasons. Some of the messages sounded a little critical of Neil and the website, so I felt like I wanted to fight back.

I just erased my note that I previously wrote in defense, because I suddenly realized that the original members were the ones who helped get all of this started and that I should be thankful for all of your contributions and be sorry to see you go. Dermot is right, you guys will be missed and we hope that someday you will join us all again.


Re: leaving totally guitars

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 7:34 pm
by unclewalt

Re: leaving totally guitars

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:07 pm
by thereshopeyet
Ken Wrote:
After having been a faithful supporter of totally guitars since 2009, I have decided there are other sites that provide more value and direction that I want my guitar playing to take.

Maybe I'm wrong, Ken's been here since 2009 !

Ken ..... You're Missed !!!



Re: leaving totally guitars

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 10:05 pm
by Music Junkie
unclewalt wrote:
Everybody's different. It just depends on what a particular person wants to achieve, how fast they want to achieve it, etc. And just, what learning styles work for them.

My guess is that, very generally speaking, this site (or online lessons in general) works best for people who have the basics down -- majors and minors, barre chords, etc. -- and want to take their skills to the next level. For more elementary stuff, I would assume a live teacher is better. But I bet that varies a lot among individuals, too. Some people might do better with a teacher for everything, or with online lessons for everything.
Well said.

Re: leaving totally guitars

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:40 am
by thereshopeyet
Ken was leaving 2 months 3 weeks ago and he's still leaving !!

:woohoo: :woohoo:

Clcik Image To Enlarge:


Re: leaving totally guitars

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:13 am
by fjeanmur
I have been casually reading this thread as it has evolved, and wasn't going to comment, until I noticed that as a founding Target member, Ken, had only made 19 posts, but came to the Forum to take a parting shot at the site. As a relative newcomer, I have found the Forum to be the place where I come to gain a sense of support and community and it certainly has added a personal dimension to this virtual guitar world.

The Internet has a lot to offer with all sorts of guitar sites. When I was testing a lot of them out three and a half years ago, I noticed there were so many--both free and for a price--but in my opinion none of the lessons were as good as the site with that guy with the Hawaiian shirts. So I signed up and I have renewed each year because I believe it's a great value.

I have always envied people who grew up in literary homes or musical homes or whatever where they couldn't help but grow up writing books or playing several instruments because that's what they were raised with. Unfortunately, I was not, but since I have come to TG, I feel I have learned so much and at an accelerated rate because the site with all its facets surrounds me with so much at one time that I can't help but absorb.

So, I am with the others who wish Ken and those leaving well, but I think we all have a say in the direction we we like to see things go by posting our questions, making productive comments, requesting lessons and realizing that much of the site is what we make of it.