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Drip Feed Lessons

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:22 pm
by reiver
Before I start I'd like to clarify that I have no objection to the new drip feed method of posting lessons. I can't see the advantage - but that's ok. However, I think that it would it be useful if Neil could post a play through at the start so that we know exactly what we are going to be learning. I'm sure that we've all noticed the occasional bit of a song that we thought would be part of a lesson but isn't. This isn't a problem because we usually have all the teaching information there before we start. With Drip Feed we do not, so we may be starting to learn something that we have no hope of ever completing. I am aware that other resources are available for finding the songs, but as Neil frequently tells us, we are unlikely to find the same piece of music played the same way twice. I'd like to know if I'm taking on something that I'll not be able to finish.
