Customer Support?

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Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:20 pm

Does anyone know how to get customer support from.this outfit? ive purchased several song lessons, but the last one was missing key parts and very disappointing. i have tried sending emsils to either get the missing parts or my money bavk. So far all my notes have fallen on deaf ears. Irony is thst i get dozens of emails a month from Mr. Hogan and yet he doesnt care to read mine. Started out being disappointed in the lesson, now im.more disappointed in the entire oitfit.

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Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:38 pm

Sorry you're having difficulties, if you go to 'Support' then 'Helpdesk' you'll be able to put in a support ticket and they will sort your problem out very promptly.

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Music Junkie
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Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:28 pm

rlbrown wrote:
Does anyone know how to get customer support from.this outfit? ive purchased several song lessons, but the last one was missing key parts and very disappointing. i have tried sending emsils to either get the missing parts or my money bavk. So far all my notes have fallen on deaf ears. Irony is thst i get dozens of emails a month from Mr. Hogan and yet he doesnt care to read mine. Started out being disappointed in the lesson, now im.more disappointed in the entire oitfit.
If you go where Dean told you (support - Helpdesk), you will see this page:


You will need to register, then make a ticket. I have ALWAYS found response to be very fast. Hope this helps.


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Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:49 pm


Sorry to hear there are problems with some lessons. Please elaborate and I can take a look or amend them possibly. As far as emails, MJ was right that Support gets back to people fast as that is monitored constantly. Unfortunately not too many emails get to me directly but I monitor the Forum regularly so please put a little more specific info here when you can.


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