Idea on how to make it easier to search new lessons

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Tue Jan 13, 2015 4:35 pm

I realize you have hundreds of songs and lessons already posted, but this idea would help us as we search for new challenges. We usually search for certain genres and finger-picking vs. strumming songs. To determine what kind of song is listed, we sometimes have to click through to the song and play a preview in order to determine if it is a strumming or finger-picking song.

Could you put a song classification next to the Song names, for example:

Eric Clapton -
Tears in Heaven (Pop, FP)
Hey, Hey (Blues, FP)
Wonderful Tonight (Pop, Strum)

All-in-all, this is a great site, great resource, and has significantly helped me in my acoustic guitar journey.

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Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:39 am

Nathaniel, glad you enjoy the site. There are many of us that feel its the best out there.

To your point about classifying songs in yet another category, isn't really a bad idea, but at this point in time may be pretty cumbersome. I'm sure someone on here has kept track of the numbers, but there aren't hundreds, but thousands of lessons by now. The mice in the basement have had a hard enough time keeping this site up and healthy, and adding another classification at this point would probably not happen.

But, and its a BIG BUT, most of what Neil teaches and plays as examples, are in the finger picking/style of playing. So if its a journey your after, start with the lesson list and have a ball. There are many more lessons here than most people could ever become proficient at. You won't run out of songs to work on.


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Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:48 pm

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Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:47 pm


Thanks for your comment and we greatly appreciate your suggestions, they certainly help us in knowing what direction the site needs to go in to make things more user friendly.

We do have a couple filters located at the top of the Master Menu page that will allow you to sort the monster list by genre, style and difficulty, I've attached a screen shots to show you where they are, at the moment they are simple drop downs but hopefully they will help to narrow down the selection so you can find what you are looking for when searching for new lessons to play.


If you have any questions regarding navigation, searching etc. please feel free to ask.

Thank you!

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