my lesson is not working , the video wont play can anyone please help

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Fri May 17, 2019 11:03 am

my lesson is not working , the video wont play can anyone please help

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Joined: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:09 pm
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Fri May 17, 2019 12:07 pm

The Support tab will take you to solutions to common problems. Here is what is there about technical difficulties-

Technical Difficulties

Video not playing, unable to access lessons from mobile devices and more resolutions to pesky technical problems can be found here.
I Can't Access The Lessons, I'm Just Getting a Black Screen

At this time our website still uses flash player and In order to play the video lessons you must have the Flash Player plug-in installed on the browser you are using to access the lessons. You can use the link below to download and install flash onto your current browser. Alternatively you can use the Google Chrome browser which has flash player integrated into the browser itself, this ensures that the plug in is always updated and available to you without the need for your to run updates. If you are accessing the lessons with a mobile device, iPad, Android Tablet, Smartphone, etc. We do have a built in work around you can use. Once you are on the lesson page you will need to select the lesson part you wish to view, the video box will go black, but clicking the lesson part again will load in the video and it will stream perfectly on your mobile browser. We understand that it may feel like a hassle but it is our only solution at this time, we are constantly working to improve our processes and will have updates in the future to make mobile streaming much easier."
Where are the attachment for the lessons?

There are quite a few lessons on Totally Guitars that don't include attachments, but for good reason. Neil is a firm beliver in the "teach a man to fish" concept, meaning he would rather teach students how to actually play guitar instead of just teaching you how to copy a song note for note. Some of the lessons omit the attachments because we want to encourage students to view the video and listen to the notes being played in order to recognize them by ear. Neil will drop plenty of hints throughout the lesson to help you learn the song and of course we have our community forum that is more than happy to help fellow members in need. If the song you are working on is missing attachments and you are absolutely unable to progress, then drop a note on our Community Forum - Acoustic Guitar Songs Thread, include the name of the song you're working on and details on where you need help. Neil is super active on the community forum and is happy to chime in to help you move past any hurdles throughout your guitar learning journey.
What are the Guitar Pro Files and How Do I Access Them

All .gpx or .gp5 files are formatted for use with the Guitar Pro Software Program, this program is a third-party software program that many of our members find useful to use in conjunction with the video lessons. Keep in mind that you don't have to use the program in order to access the lessons, it is simply an extra tool that can help you with the lessons. Guitar Pro does offer a free trial version so you can test out the various features of the program, keep in mind that the trial will not allow files to imported but you can test drive it to see if the program would be useful to you.
I Joined Target But Can't Access Any Lessons?

If you joined the full Target program then make sure you are logged into your account when accessing the lessons, check the top right hand corner of the site to ensure it shows the message "You are currently logged in". Sometimes members may end up with more than one account, double check your billing page to ensure the account you're logged into does have an active Target subscription, you can find your subscription history at the bottom of the page. If you subscribed to Target Lite, you will need to add lessons to your account before any of the lessons are accessible, click here to access your Target Lite page.
I'm having playback issues/video freezes

If you're having trouble with performance, there are a couple things you can do that may improve playback on the site: - First, make sure you have the current version of Firefox or Chrome. You may download the latest version, just to be sure. (Do not use Internet Explorer) - Clear your cache /temp files. You can do this from you internet options or settings section. If your browser is already up to date, then simply try clearing out your browser cache to see if that fixes the problem. If the problem continues, please email us at [email protected] to our support team, so you can get further assistance."

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