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Learning the "BB Box" approach to blues soloing

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 4:30 pm
by spinland
So, Daryl challenged me to start sharing some blues-related licks, and I'm totally on board with that. The Blues are my main focus for my learning path, and I care not about the perceived dichotomy between acoustic and electric; to me it's just the music and to hell with the instrument you use to create it. :side:

So, first share. I've been spending quality time learning to understand the "BB Box" approach that the deity of Blues bequeathed us. Here is a very good infographic; for once I didn't create this, it was found via Google, all dressed up and ready to go.

The main theme is you use the root note on the B string to set the key you want to play in. Once you establish that Bob's your uncle and you have the keys to amazing blues lick improvisation. I'm working my way towards leveraging these tools for creating actual musical phrases. It's a process, and a great one at that.

