>> Todays Target Student Video review by Neil - I should have known better - Vanessa

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Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:04 pm

I Should Have Known Better by Vanessa is today's Target student review by Neil, now available for all Target members to watch..

Hope you enjoy



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Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:35 pm

Wauw, thát was 'scary', a review, haha! Didn't quite expect it, but it is very very much appreciated!

And of course, I jumped right in applying your advice!

This little thing wich sounds like the harmonica in the original is a lot of fun to do, if I understand and play it correctly:

You switch from Gadd5 (pinky on the D, second string, first string muted) to D7sus2 (down), D7 (up), D7sus2 (down), and right before the first beat of the next measure going to G, the fourth finger plays the D-note again (up, on an 'and') on the second string, (in the meanwhile the other fingers let go and 2nd and 3th returning to G-chord) and of course immediately followed by a downstroke on the first beat for the Gadd5-chord, is that correct?

As for the Em, yep I knew it was there, just :blush: .......haha, didn't mean to confuse others of course, next time I'll definitely be more accurate!

And yes, when I finished the video at the time and watched it, I did notice the switch to the open D, wich is not logical, shamely I have to admit that I was just to lazy to play :blush: the D as a bar-chord (sometimes I do that when my hand is kinda tired already because of playing a lot), so I'm not surprised that you've brought it up, musically it does make more sense of course as well as the sound.

The Fdim, well I really didn't notice that one, didn't know that dim-shape as well, is it: 123131? I couldn't see it very well, but if so then it's a Fdim7-chord, 1 b3 b5 bb7, is that the case?

Again, I appreciate your time and advice a lot, so thank you véry much!

Oh yes, I almost forgot, the G7 is played during the last ' hoo', in the bridge (the one before 'oh'), followed by C, is that the one you mean? (And yep, I completely missed that one too!) :huh:

Thanks again!


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Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:53 pm

Hi Vanessa,

I am VERY impressed by your strumming!!!

That seems to be my achilles heel :(

Would you mind writing it down for me??... Also have you got any other songs you're using this
strumming with?

Thank you very much!


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Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:05 pm

Thank you very much Lil, I appreciate it!

As for the strumming....that's not really easy to explain....because usually I just play without thinking...Like Neil says, when I'm playing by myself I like to dress it up, I like to add more rhythm to it...so instead of 8th notes, here and there I play16th notes...I've posted another video 'We can work it out/I saw her standing there' wich is actually kinda the same. I try to play it in 8th notes (2nd and 3rd verse), but then I can't control myself because of the rhythm and here and there I play16th notes again (I don't even know if I explain this right..haha)...it's really variable.

The strumming for this song would normally be the folkstrumming or the rockstrumming, is that a strumming that you're already able to do?

Anyway, If you really want to know, I could make a video and post it here, is that an idea?

lil40 wrote:
Hi Vanessa,

I am VERY impressed by your strumming!!!

That seems to be my achilles heel :(

Would you mind writing it down for me??... Also have you got any other songs you're using this
strumming with?

Thank you very much!


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Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:43 am

Thanks for your answer Vanessa!

I can do 8th note strumming with mostly no problem, it's the 16th notes that give me a
headache :angry:

What I particularly liked was the little galoppy feel of the 16th notes that you put in in the
middle - very cool!

I will try to work it out looking at your videos again but how I'm meant to sing to it as well
is anyones guess :laugh:

I've got the same problem with Wonderwall for instance... I can JUST about get round the
strumming now but singing as well is really difficult.

Thanks again!


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Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:52 am

Yeah I think I know what galoppy-thing you mean, haha, that's a good word for it!

You could check out Tequila Sunrise, it's in the free-lessons-menu I think, in the intro you have this 16th note-strumming as well (at least a part of what I'm doing, not the galoppy-feel-thing.) He explains at the end of the video.

I just found this strumming (intro Tequila Sunrise) in my own library, here it is!

And I know, singing and playing isn't easy...Neil's suggestion on this is to just hum along, not worrying about the words and all, just hum first! ;)

lil40 wrote:
Thanks for your answer Vanessa!

I can do 8th note strumming with mostly no problem, it's the 16th notes that give me a
headache :angry:

What I particularly liked was the little galoppy feel of the 16th notes that you put in in the
middle - very cool!

I will try to work it out looking at your videos again but how I'm meant to sing to it as well
is anyones guess :laugh:

I've got the same problem with Wonderwall for instance... I can JUST about get round the
strumming now but singing as well is really difficult.

Thanks again!


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Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:00 pm

Thank you for the video Vanessa, I'll practise tomorrow...

Got caught up watching television, the guitar is looking at me but it'll have to wait
until tomorrow :blush:

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:38 pm


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Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:07 pm

Haha, you're the sweetest Dermot! :cheer:

thereshopeyet wrote:

I don't want to sound like a groupie..... but your are such fun!

You deserve a review...

:) :) :) :) :)


I worry about your choice of song title..... I should have known better ..... mmmmmm :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:26 am

Vaneeeesa, on the "Should have know better" is it:

D D DU DDDDU chord change after the first U???????????

I'm sort of sounding similiar :woohoo:



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