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WebtvDan Frosty the Snowman guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:51 pm
by webtvdan
This song was more difficult to learn than anticipated. Song follows typical A, A, B, A pattern. I could almost play section A in about an hour. Section B – not so much. Purposely dropped the ‘E’ bass note ( 4th string 2nd fret) that accompanies the hammer / slides. Felt it didn’t add to the tune and allowed me to have fun with the melody. Recently installed D’Addario EXP17 Medium strings. Doesn’t give me a balanced sound. Louder than Elixr Medium NANOWEB’s but not balanced!

Re: WebtvDan Frosty the Snowman guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:00 am
by cosmicmechanic
Hi Dan,

Really enjoyed your playing, haven't tried it myself, so no real comments on technique.

I do find it takes experience and solid technique to be confident enough to take on Xmas tunes.
Because we always hope to be competent at playing a tune in a short time, we don't
necessarily want to start practicing a new Xmas tune in May to be ready by December.

Your preface was well put, shows that you are proficient enough to decide in late November
to get a new finger-picked Xmas song under control with time to spare before X-day comes along.

I feel that I'm still at a stage where if I want to try this then in July I'll have anybody within earshot
groaning and wondering why some jerk is trying to play an Xmas tune, and badly at that.

Well done, definitely something that I can aspire to.


Re: WebtvDan Frosty the Snowman guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:04 am
by BigBear
Dan- that was really terrific! Well done! I really liked the way you achieved that "bouncy" feel the song needs.

I can see that this song is not a casual campfire song that you pick up and master in an hour. Congrats on all your hard work because it shows. I've never played this song so I have nothing to offer- except high praise!

Thanks for a great video and Merry Christmas!!

Cheers! :cheer:

Re: WebtvDan Frosty the Snowman guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:19 am
by willem
Dan,that was'nt the grizly snowman,,nice sound and i like you manege the fretbroad,,i agree with Pierre that we start to late with practiceing Xmas songs so it take years to play some in a nice way other then campfire tunes.

Thanks for sharing and wish you and your love ones a very very merry Xmas,,be safe and keep playing..

Re: WebtvDan Frosty the Snowman guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:48 am
by dekotaj

Thank you for the Christmas tune.And have a Marry Christmas and a great New Year!!


Re: WebtvDan Frosty the Snowman guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:19 am
by neverfoundthetime
Great job Dan, really enjoyed that.

Re: WebtvDan Frosty the Snowman guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:01 am
by Craig
Nice job Dan! That was really well done. You've inspired me to learn at least one Christmas song this year!