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nesh16041972 If you could read my mind guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:06 pm
by Craig
Hi TG-friends!

Well what can I say, I've heard this song throughout my life many times on the radio and everytime it came along, I was like 'what a beƔutiful song!', I didn't even know the singers name or the specific lyrics for that matter.

However, playing it on the guitar seemed really great to me, so I have been waiting for it since joining TG. Well needless to say that I was very happy that Neil put it up.

I guess I could have aged it a little bit, so this recording started as a kinda 'how will it sound?' (and maybe it'll even be good enough to upload ;) ) So eventually I thought, 'well what the heck, just put it up!'. Looking back, I could've turned the volume of the guitar a bit down, but whatever.

As for the playing, I did take Neil's advice on this one and just fingerpick it without thinking too much about it, just kinda randomly, so I hope that this is okay enough for that matter.

Anyway, enough rambling, I just truly hope you'll enjoy it!



btw...I couldn't help myself for thinking about Chris all the time :P (a great GL-fan), since he put up a gorgeous version of this one! Hope you'll like it Chris!

Re: nesh16041972 If you could read my mind guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:12 pm
by haoli25
I want to buy your first CD, Ness. That was just perfect, as was the smile at the end.

Bill Image

Re: nesh16041972 If you could read my mind guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:13 pm
by buddy
Ness, I sure do love watching you play and sing. Your finger picking is wonderful in this song and so is your voice. Thanks for posting this as it brought a smile to my face :-)

Re: nesh16041972 If you could read my mind guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:52 pm
by Yamaha48
Hey Vanessa.

I can say one word,wouhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Yeh and on the and,your lovely smile.
Before Neil make this lesson,i try to play this tune.
I can sing it,and play it by finger picking,but have not the same sound.
The version i found,With G,G7,F,and the same chords you play.
Thanks for share this great video.


Re: nesh16041972 If you could read my mind guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:57 pm
by lueders
It is almost like a spiritual thing when you perform. (No B.S. really!!) You just seem to go to this you are channeling something from far away and you're letting us go on the brief journey with you...
You're simply a force of doubt about it!!!

Most of these songs, I end up liking them better after I hear you do 'em. (Honestly)
Already looking forward to when you cover the next crop of C.S.N. &Y stuff due out. (I'm hoping you can't resist.)

Thanks for another phenomenal post!!!( Might even be better than Tracy Chapman...can't believe I said that.)

Re: nesh16041972 If you could read my mind guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:02 pm
by sbutler
Vanessa, I hope that when you walk into a music/guitar store. You STRUT! I mean it.

The next time you upload a video of yourself playing anything, you make sure someone has a fire extinguisher close by cause I'm afraid as hot as you play, you'll set something on fire.

I think this is your best yet, and the others songs you've done are really hard to beat. I'm proud just to be on the same web site as you. Thank you so much.


Re: nesh16041972 If you could read my mind guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:08 pm
by mcfingers
I really enjoyed that. Well played, well sung, well done. Made me smile all the way through. I am going to get busy relearning this beautiful song.

Thanks for posting your work.


Re: nesh16041972 If you could read my mind guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:25 pm
by michelew


That is the most moving rendition of this song I have EVER heard. Gorgeous, sad, sad, sad, beautiful, and then more emotion on top of that. Teary here.

Your playing... I've run out of things to say. Really there is just no doing justice with words to your gorgeous playing and singing and all round performance. If that is 'good enough', well then I'm aspiring to be 'good enough' someday, as I'm sure the vast majority on people on TG are. Maybe when I'm 110 I'll come close.

You're more than an inspiration. Everything you touch is transformed into more than that it was before. You're amazing.



Re: nesh16041972 If you could read my mind guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:46 pm
by BobR

That was terrific. I think it was aged perfectly :laugh: . Your playing and singing is always so good.

Thanks for sharing


Re: nesh16041972 If you could read my mind guitar lesson review upload

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:48 pm
by Craig
Vanessa, Wow. I already told you that I am out of adjectives for your posts, then you go and make me try and come up with more for this performance?? OK, here goes: wonderful, awesome, beautiful, touching... Very well played and sung.
P.S. You are going to force me to but a thesaurus! :laugh: