Why did you comment on that video?

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Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:32 pm

I endeavor to at least view all posted videos whether I am familiar with the song or not, has nothing to do with the person posting the video. If I am late on the scene and the poster has had constructive criticism already I will say something along the lines of well done etc etc. If I feel it is in my competency I will make constructive comment. I enjoy viewing everyone's efforts and seeing progress mostly and also these videos remind of songs long forgotten or never known. Recent example was cavis version of Snowflight by Andrew York, that got me picking up my nylon string and trying to play it after a very long break. I may miss some but I view what I can in the time I have available, so inevitably I will miss some but that has nothing to do with the poster or the song. I think along similar lines to Tony, if someone puts the effort in for whatever reason then it is only fair they receive the support of those members who can commit the time.

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:19 am

Wow, Suzi pretty much summed it up for me too. I'd like to have more time to review and post comments, or even watch all videos uploaded, but it just takes too much time. Maybe that will change come Fall and winter. Summer has certainly taken my time away from TG. However, I have to confess that I prob. tend to comment on videos of people that I know, which is the core of TG's active user base, not ideal I know, but it's honest. That list is growing large now and that is getting pretty difficult. I "try" to comment on any video that I feel I have some valid input. I want to be helpful and a valid contributing member of the site but find it increasingly difficult to keep up. But as I said before, that could just because the summer time takes me away from the site more than other times of the year. I tend to do a lot of "good job" posts, which isn't necessarily helpful, but I personally would rather take a minute to say that than to not comment at all when I'm short on time. If I feel I have something valid to impart I really to try to.
Great post Dennis! Good job! hahaha :-)

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:13 am

Well I run on a bit of a hybrid model. I try and respond to a lot of videos. But, I can't comment on everything so I do filter. I find I'm not commenting on as many as I used to as work is demanding at the moment. Although, perhaps if just feels like that given the increase in posts.

When there are heaps of new posts and I'm short for time, I generally start with the people I'm closest to (and as with Suzi, I'll comment on anything they post and I love doing it) and then it's a mix of people I know and those posts that catch my attention. I really like responding to beginner's posts and new people.

I must admit that I don't respond to all videos from people that post lots of them. Then I respond as time allows or check it out if it's a song I'm learning or have learned.

My ability to give advice is pretty limited, but I do what I can. But, I think the encouragement we give each other is really important even when it is 'good job'.

So in short, I try to respond to most posts, but I do have a way of filtering when I'm time poor.

Good question Dennis. How unusual for you.


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Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:52 am

You learn them,you post them.I'll take the time to say THANK YOU!!!

I could take this a little further down the road,But no.

Dennis how about you??People who speak Dutch?LOL

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:22 am

MarkM wrote:
One last thing to Jason. You play far better than you think you do. You have a great deal of value here. Don't sell yourself short. I wish I could do some of the things you do with the guitar.

I appreciate that comment Mark.... :) :)

I can honestly say that, thanks to this site, I have improved drastically. I just know that starting from ground zero (only playing for 3 years now) that I still have a long way to go.....lol Like Tony mentioned, I feel like if I make a comment to someone I feel is a better player, it just does not mean much (in my own head, not speaking for anyone else). The beauty of the whole thing, and this goes along with the topic of choosing which songs to post, is that we have such a varied taste of music here and there seems to be something to learn from it all. I think I learn more from watching someone who has taken the time to work out a song and give it a go than I do from other methods. I am very much a visual person. Most videos have techniques that I have yet to get down, so I don't really know what to tell someone in order to improve. I feel that strumming is one of my strongest attributes as a beginning guitarist, so I might make a comment in that area, but cross-picking, fingerpicking, harmonics, etc....... :silly: :silly: :silly: :silly:

Tony made a GREAT point about receiving the comments. I am not to shy to admit that I enjoy the occasional pat on the back as well. It kind of validates the time spent trying so hard to learn something. None of us is perfect (well, maybe Neil is..... :) :) ), but we all have a very wonderful thing in common and any encouragement we can give each other is well placed..... B) B)


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Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:31 am

I’d say people have become more selective because TG has developed so rapidly that most of us now have to make harder choices about what and where we post. In the first months I was welcoming every newcomer and commenting on every video posted and starting new groups and threads. I guess I felt the need to contribute and share my enthusiasm. At some point I realised that I just couldn’t keep up the pace and that there were plenty of others who were contributing greatly and plenty of newcomers with lots to contribute. I realised I could ease up and someone else would probably say what I wanted to anyway. So I eased off a little on posting but still tried to watch and comment on every video as I feel this is where we can contribute the most in supporting fellow members. So I try to always comment on all videos, although I’ll miss a few now and again, and I’ll certainly not knowingly miss a TG friend’s video.

I hardly ever give any technical advice. That’s because I consider myself to be a learner here and am very conscious that a lot of members here know a lot more than I do. Even if I did know more (I am learning, after all!) I’d still be reluctant to comment as I’m so aware of the fact that good teaching has more to do with knowing what to say when than just pointing out every “mistake” or weakness exhibited. I remember being a bit miffed when I saw the first members’ comments on someone’s video and thinking, “hey leave that to Neil!” I felt it needed expert coaching and should be left to the expert. Then Neil mentioned that he felt the comments were good and he’d step in if anything was not ok. So I relaxed up and have noticed that things regulate themselves (one of the wonders of TG!).

Marc has said he’s more the technician than the artist and I always appreciate his technical comments. I’d say I’m the other way around so I stick to cheer-leading which is no less sincere than the tech advice given. I’m also commenting on performance as this is an area which I have a great interest in and is something that fascinates me. WebtvDan’s recent video for a departed friend really touched me as he gave it an unexplainable quality which can only be felt. It was a stunning performance. Bear’s collab with Jim was so enjoyable, it was a real treat to see and hear. Dennis' collab with Shelby was just a delight. I am just as fascinated by musical performance as by sport performance. A lot of my motivation here comes out of my own experience with the difficulties of performing. I actually found guitar performance more difficult and nerve wracking than any sport performance. Many sports allow room for non perfect performance (I have never seen one!) but one missed note in a musical performance is already something that can’t be patched. Out of that, I’ve learned not to bother about being perfect but just plug away and do the best I can and enjoy it!

Anyway, the upshot is that I consider any video posted reason enough to reply, no matter what song or performer. I really enjoy the videos and can appreciate the effort, performance and learning shown and enjoy commenting. I also enjoy having a stage to perform on myself. Spending most of my time alone with guitar in hand, I really value the opportunity to share and swap a chair in the auditorium with the one on stage here at TG with everyone else. It's our very own open mic.

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:05 pm

Watching video's from our members(everyone)is like a party,everybody is swetting his bud of, think they love all of the comments but i think also that they want respons from Neil in the first place,when we say something on the technics and Neil is not commin in well it is proberly a right comment for me i think i do not so much on that kind of comment or i must be sure,,,For the uploader it must be a dutch treat..You also hear on the respons from the uploader how he did get your comment..

I try and try to say something on every upload,but i'm sure i mist some its hard to keep up and it's better to spend time on the lessons/songs you wat to learn..

Of course i have favo's (a lot) but they are realy good in a way,i realise we are here to learn from totally beginner to mMmmm LETS SAY ,CLASSICAL GAS..lets make it a DUTCH TREAT.

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:17 pm

If I leave a comment on a uploaded song it's just to support and encourage the poster. With that in mind I only comment on ones that have few comments. I figure the ones that have a lot of comments already have plenty of support and encouragement.


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Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:35 am

I've always appreciated the comments I receive and try, in turn, to listen and comment on all the videos uploaded. Sometimes -- like now -- I get distracted by work, but I do try to keep up as I think this is one of the most valuable features of the site.

If it is a song I know well or have tried to play myself, then I may try to make a suggestion or two; if its an early effort, I'll offer encouragement; if it introduces me to something I hadn't known before or a playing style I'd like to learn, I'll offer thanks. And if I arrive late, have nothing to contribute, or all the sage advice has already been given, then I'll just acknowledge the effort and say what I liked.


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Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:39 am

Good question, Dennis. It took me a long time to answer (2 1/2 months).

Short answer: depends on how much time I can spend on the TG forum.

In the early days of this forum, I used to be able watch all new videos and read all the comments before posting mine on each thread. Since then the volume of threads has increased, whether discussion or video.

I also used to find it possible to follow most threads start to finish as they evolved, but I now find I have to sample shotgun style, and hope to (maybe) return to what I've missed.

So my commenting on a video is now based more on a combination of chance and availability rather than a criteria for responding.

Even burning the candle at both ends with bloodshot eyes to watch every recent video from a TG member and totally loooving it, I may not have time or energy to respond to them.

Another reason for lack of response time is ... watching these videos makes me realize how much I need to practice, which is the reason I am here, of course.

Oh yes, I forgot ... gotta do some other activities, brush my teeth, etc...

This forum is a great motivator, the joy of these videos is how we can share the progress in our playing.

I have posted precious few videos and hope to participate more in the future.

I hope that the generous members who post videos take note that even those who don't immediately respond do appreciate the quality of this site.


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