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Re:New Brand of Guitar Strings

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:48 pm
by AndyT
Can you post a picture of the REDs package?

I use and love DR Extra Life coated size 10.
My backup is Elixir Nanowebs size 10.

Everything else either does not last or sounds junk.

Re:New Brand of Guitar Strings

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:18 pm
by Max
AndyT wrote:
Can you post a picture of the REDs package?

I use and love DR Extra Life coated size 10.
My backup is Elixir Nanowebs size 10.

Everything else either does not last or sounds junk.
Here Ya Go Andy,

Re:New Brand of Guitar Strings

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:07 pm
by AndyT
Thanks Max.
That's not the ones I had last time. The package was all red with white lettering. They were horrible. Sounded great for maybe 20 mins then... bleh.

Re:New Brand of Guitar Strings

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:38 pm
by frybaby
Greetings Forum folks,
Started this thread a while back mentioning my purchasing of a new string brand “RED”
Cant remember who, but someone ask me to report my finding once I put them on.
Pardon my delay in responding. Reason (1) I had Elixirs on the Taylor and I just could justify putting new string on as the Elixers though 3 months old, still sounded good.
(2) I came down with Bronchitis, and spent most of my spear time in bed trying to cough my lung out.
Didn’t even have the energy to play my guitar much less change strings.
But after some medication and some breathing treatments I got to feeling better, and yesterday for the first time in about 3 weeks I pick up the guitar, and tonight, to spur me on, I changed the string on my Taylor 514 to the RED’s.
I must say I really like them. The tension seems as lighter than the elixirs. I also sanded down my saddle a bit so the guitar plays great.
As for the sound, at least to my ear is very nice. They seemed to tone down the brightness of my Taylor better than any string I tried so far ( which has been quite a few brands),
One outstanding feature I noticed was the sound of the base E string. Lots of punch, very clear, and balanced. Much fuller and cleared that Elixers.
The other thing I noticed right away is the sound of the B string.
Up to now the B string was a trouble spot on every set of string I tried.
Always was “hotter than the other string, especially when I played through my amp a Fender Acoustasonic Junior.
Previously the B string always has, what I describe as a metallic twang. It just never seemed to blend in with the other strings, especially noticeable when played in a arpeggio.
The B string on the RED’s however, at least to my ear is very balanced and much mellower.
All in all I would say the string mellowed, without being dark or muddy, and they seem do tone down the brightness of the guitar.
They are very balanced, lots of resonance and volume
Only had them on an hour, so who knows what they will sound like next week or how long they will last, but on first blush…. I like em.

BTW, the E-A-D-G string are a beautiful redish copper color, thus the name, I presume, I suspect they will tarnish rapidly.
But I plan to use the "STRING CLEANER" device I saw mentioned on another thread. Looks like a great produce. I think AndyT may have mentioned it. Nonetheless, I thanks to whomever mentioned it.
Regards and my best to all.