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accuostic guitar variances how to deal

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:48 pm
by quincy451
Ok if you consider acuoustic guitars wihtout amplification to make things simpler.
There are 3 main possibilities with different tone, playing characteristics and sound projection abilities.

6 nylon string classical
6 steel string acoustic
12 steel string acoustic

Each will have different necks, and string height, etc. To get better in your playing
do you:
1) play one exclusively.
2) alternate in some fashion based on song choice, mood etc.
3) alternate frequently so you move forward on all guitars at your disposal.

I have tried #3 and #1. #3 seemed to frustrate more than it helped. So since practice time is limited...job/wife/etc...I went with #1 for now. But I am tempted to switch and stick with the other guitar for a while. The idea being stick with it untilt he comfort level matches the first one.

So what has your experience been, thanks,
David Clark

Re:accuostic guitar variances how to deal

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:45 pm
by Chasplaya
I am definitely a #2. My mood really dictates which guitar I play, unfortunatley the only nylon I have is an el cheapo belonging to my step daughter but it does the business just doesn't stay in tune too well.

To me this is natural as I beleive music is about emotion and your moods are a reflection of whatever mood you are so go with the flow of your emotions. Although to contradict myself I have sometimes not been in a good place and if you play happier music it can help lift you so a bit of a conundrum really

Re:accuostic guitar variances how to deal

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 7:32 pm
by Guitarmom
I would opt for #2 as well. I guess the best correlation I could give would require a wine analogy. I worked in that industry for 28 years and there are some very common rules to maximize the experience. They say drink a red wine with meat and a white wine with fish or chicken. While there are many reds and many whites to compliment just about any meal there is logic in the suggestion. If you drink Cabernet Sauvignon with scrambled eggs, all you would taste is the Cabernet. Conversely if you drink Johannisberg Riesling with pepper steak all you would taste is the meat, and the wine would be lost in the tasting. However... if you really enjoy either combination then that is the best combination for you!

The same holds true with guitars. If you play a nylon string Classical Guitar to play Heavy Metal, chances are you will not enjoy the resulting sound experience. And if you choose a Strat to play Bach, you will probably not get the sound that the composer intended. But if you like the sound... then make it yours! I believe that in music as in wine, there is no right or wrong, just preferences. I say... make the music yours and always play from your heart with passion. If Bach... play it passionately... if Heavy Metal, play it with the same passion!

Rev Kate

Re:accuostic guitar variances how to deal

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:26 am
by TGNeil
#2 here--although I don't own a nylon string guitar or a twelve-string.

Re:accuostic guitar variances how to deal

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:31 am
by rcsnydley
I will jump on the band wagon and also say #2. It allows for the most diversity in not only guitar choice but also in music and style choice.

Keep Playing

Re:accuostic guitar variances how to deal

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:40 pm
by BigBear
I believe the answer is it depends! Nice cop-out right?

Seriously, I think it depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Are you just plinkin' around for relaxation or are you trying to learn a piece or get better?

For example, I'm trying to learn the blues right now. Big challenge so I am using my Les Paul because with its extra light strings I can get the feel of the bends and slurs better. When I get the phrasing and timing down a little better I'll switch to the acoustic I'll probably use to jam with knowing that it will be harder play but at least I'll know I can play the licks.

Also, I try to switch guitars almost nightly, just to keep current on my favorite songs or the ones I may be asked to play with other people. If I don't play my 12 string for example at least once a week I feel I start sliding backwards.

I think we all have favorite guitars but getting stuck in the rut of playing one exclusively kinda defeats the purpose of having more than one in the first place doesn't it?

Happy Playin'