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Picking bass note accuracy (or lack thereof!)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:01 pm
by davidpaul
Hi all,

I have a huge problem picking the bass notes in a strumming's even worse
when it's alternating bass notes.

Is there a trick to it?? Has anyone else experienced this and conquered it?


Re:Picking bass note accuracy (or lack thereof!)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:35 pm
by Lavallee
Hi Dave , I agree it is not easy especially if you are trying for the first time something like MY MY Hey Hey. The challenge is to have a good rhythm as a bass note is one beat, so if you are strumming and you stop to hit the bass note, you are breaking your rhythm.

One exercise I used to do for the accuracy is to alternate a C chord with an Am chord. You start with the bass note of the C chord (C) then hit 3 down strokes on the C chord for a measure and then change to the Am chord by hitting the A string being the bass note for the Am chord and again 3 down strokes on the Am for another measure, and so on. increase the speed when you are comfortable.

Then you can start alternating the bass by hitting the 5ht and 4th string on the C chord with 2 down strums and then the same on the Am chord.

The last one , I am sure you can see where I am going, pick 5th, 4th , 5th on the C chord with one strum and then switch to Am.

Then you can do the same with any chords and hit the bass notes that are related to the chord.
The variations are of course infinite, but the point is to keep it simple so that your right hand will eventually remember where the strings are and you will not have to look at your hand .


Re:Picking bass note accuracy (or lack thereof!)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:35 pm
by coomba
G day Dave
I can tell you that I did and still do have the same is not an easy technique to master. All I can say is pick a chord progression use a simple strum pattern with alternating bass notes and play it over and over slowly and accurately every day ,several times a day would be better, they don't have to be long sessions 5 minutes at a time would do, but concentrate on the accuracy. You WILL improve in time along with speed.

Also more importantly check out Neils lessons on strumming they have help me a lot.

Im sorry I couldn't offer you a trick to help , maybe one of the more experienced members can offer some better advice.
Just keep at it.

Re: Picking bass note accuracy (or lack thereof!)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:17 pm
by buddy
Hi Dave,

If I remember correctly, Neil had a nice video on this and he emphasized that you should concentrate on the bass notes when alternating rather than the chorus because the bass notes set the rhythm for the song and thus the chorus well follow more naturally. I don't think their are many shortcuts to this technique as even Tommy Emanuel had to work hard at it and he is a real natural.

Good Luck,


Re:Picking bass note accuracy (or lack thereof!)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:15 pm
by MarkM

You got some great advice here from some of the other members. This is a skill that took me awhile to learn. Even now from time to time I will hit the dud string, especially when I'm learning a new song. Practice and then practice some more will get you to where you want to be as you develop a real sense of where your pick hand is in relation to the strings. As Marc said, Hey Hey My My is a good one to learn from. Also you may want to try Redemption Song by Bob Marley. Neil has a lesson on that as well. Good luck.
