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When people ask, "Do you play guitar?" I say.....

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:31 pm
by tovo
Well.....what do you say? (The thread was a nice idea from Brad that I decided not to let go by)

Re: When people ask, "Do you play guitar?" I say.....

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:40 pm
by mcfingers
Is the Pope Catholic?

To be more serious, I usually just say yes. That usually leads to questions like, how long?(46 yrs) What kind songs? (Folk, Rock, Beatles, Peter Paul and Mary, Simon and Garfunkle etc.) Were you ever in a band. (Yes, High School and the only gig we could get was playing for a bunch of drunk college fraternity guys at their Frat party.... I think they paid us in Beer.)

Re: When people ask, "Do you play guitar?" I say.....

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:54 pm
by prawnpig
My standard responce is I am workin on it.

Re: When people ask, "Do you play guitar?" I say.....

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:19 am
by millponddave
My answer is usually define "playing".


Re: When people ask, "Do you play guitar?" I say.....

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:41 am
by sbutler
Neil plays guitar. I just practice an awful lot.

Doctors practice medicine, Lawyers practice law, I practice playing a guitar a lot.


Re: When people ask, "Do you play guitar?" I say.....

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:01 am
by michelew
Well I normally say 'I'm learning', 'I'm a student'.

Recently I caught myself in a conversation with Sue saying, 'I'm a guitarist' or something to that effect. It was a OMG moment. We both looked at each other. I said 'when did that happen?' and Sue said ' It's about time you stopped saying you're just learning'.

Still, it still feels cheeky, and like cheating.

I'm still learning and don't feel like I have enough cred yet to claim the title.

Maybe when I start being able to play nicely with others.

Still, I feel like I could get there in the not too distant future.


Re: When people ask, "Do you play guitar?" I say.....

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:13 am
by Chasplaya
Usually say 'Just a bit...'

Hey does anyone notice Tony puts up all these tough questions but rarely answers them himself...

So how about it Tony what do you say?

Re: When people ask, "Do you play guitar?" I say.....

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:25 am
by tovo
Chasplaya wrote:
Usually say 'Just a bit...'

Hey does anyone notice Tony puts up all these tough questions but rarely answers them himself...

So how about it Tony what do you say?
lol not true Charles not true. Usually I answer in the "intro" to the thread. But fair enough, this time I didn't.

I tell them I am a kick-ass guitarist who deliberately gave up my spot in Fleetwood Mac because I knew Lindsay Buckingham had a pretty fragile ego and would struggle watching Stevie fall all over me.

After I wake up, I say I have been playing for a couple of years and that I am progressing with a little help from my friends.

Re: When people ask, "Do you play guitar?" I say.....

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:32 am
by AndyT
Good question Tony.

I usually say something like, "Yeah, I play, but I'm still learning." If its to another player, then I usually get the response, "Aren't we all?" LOL

I was at my Father in laws house for a family get together last year and they had a band come do the entertainment. I was looking over the gear when I was asked if I play. I said, "Yeah, just a little." So the guy handed me his axe and said go for it. So I played some stuff off the top of my head. He looked at me and said, "Why is it that all the good ones always make out like they're just learning and all the bad ones think they're great?" We laughed, but it really made me think about my skill level in general.

Re: When people ask, "Do you play guitar?" I say.....

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:42 am
by skaladar
My formal music training was first on the piano, as a very young child, learning scales by color since I didn't yet know my ABC's! ... Then as a drummer (many years of boring lessons followed by various bands and some studio work which culminated absolutely nowhere) ... but that's a whole different story. In any event the result for me is the question often takes the form of "Do you still play?" To which my reply is usually along the lines of “I only play guitar now.” When asked “How seriously?” I answer as if I was talking about my earlier love life by saying “I fool around!” :P

In my own mind, by playing guitar few hours a day makes the answer to “Do you play guitar?” a Yes, if by nothing else but by definition. I think the question “Do I consider myself a “Guitarist?” takes it to another level. At this stage of my life I suppose I only think of playing the guitar as a somewhat compulsive hobby. I don’t ever expect to be a performer, nor do I have that desire, other than for family and friends. Then again, Grandma Moses’s painting career began in her seventies. So I guess one never knows … do one?

Hmm, perhaps a little more info in this reply than intended but that’s me … Oh and I’m not in my seventies … hehe… yet anyway!
