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Why don't you post more videos, or any? - poll attached

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:07 am
by michelew
Hey everyone,

Hopefully you've seen the companion thread to this one. Here we're exploring why we don't post more videos. Maybe some of you don't post more or have never posted (but you'd like to) for reasons that the community can help you with. Maybe you feel you need to be better than you are before you show the world what you can do. Maybe you don't have the technical know-how yet, perhaps you're working on that. Maybe you think you need to compete with people who already post and that intimidates you a little. Perhaps you're just shy or conversely, maybe you're a really good player and you don't see any value in posting or you simple don't want to make the rest of us look like the amateurs we are. :)

Maybe you think you need to have the song to a good level before you post it for review and you're rarely happy with the level of progress you've achieved.

If you're shy and afraid of getting horrible feedback, let me just assure you that TG is incredibly supportive and I haven't seen a cruel comment yet; only cheers, support and constructive advice.

I'm sure there are many reasons. Like always, there's probably a combo of reasons that change often for most of us.

For me at the moment, I have to admit that I'm not playing as much as I'd like to (yeh I hear you go do it now) and I don't really have the capacity at the moment to prepare videos properly (well more than I do).

So what about you? Why don't you post more, or at all? I'm hoping we'll hear from people who don't join in the forum discussions much too.

Poll - the long option that's cut off should say "I'm a good player and I don't want to intimidate others". And/or I don't want to show off.


Edit - it would also be great to hear from members who've been around for a while, who rarely post, if ever. Thanks Jason. Start building those wings with the inbuilt parachute man. ;)

Re: Why don't you post more videos, or any? - poll attached

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:49 am
by TGNesh
Hmmm...indeed a combo of things. It dóes take a lot of time and also, before becoming TGVanessa, here and there I didn't want to seem like a 'show off'........

For now, well my time is indeed going into recording lessons, recording a play through is kinda the same as uploading a video. So that's my excuse! :P

Still I'd actually like to, but just not getting to it.... :S

Re: Why don't you post more videos, or any? - poll attached

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:19 am
by daryl
I voted "other". I certainly post. And there was a time I was posting a lot. So I've scaled back my uploads so as to not be showing off.

Re: Why don't you post more videos, or any? - poll attached

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:18 am
by thereshopeyet
I voted other.... I'm always optimistic until I sit in front to the camera and am reluctant to post as
I feel the results show little improvement from the last videos I've done.
This does not mean I skip practice. I practice on a regular basis daily.
Hand endurance (crampy feeling) can be an issue.

My intention is always to post a video for review, I appreciate the review advice but feel I need to
post something of an improvement.

I'm working on it.


Re: Why don't you post more videos, or any? - poll attached

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:06 am
by haoli25
tgvanessa wrote:
...............I didn't want to seem like a 'show off'............ :S

Nessa, or uh, TGNessa, Pu-leese, please, please, SHOW OFF with another upload. And if it is not too much trouble, could you get your friend Corina to SHOW OFF with you? :) :) You two are magic together.


Re: Why don't you post more videos, or any? - poll attached

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:38 am
by tombo1230
haoli25 wrote:
tgvanessa wrote:
...............I didn't want to seem like a 'show off'............ :S

Nessa, or uh, TGNessa, Pu-leese, please, please, SHOW OFF with another upload. And if it is not too much trouble, could you get your friend Corina to SHOW OFF with you? :) :) You two are magic together.

I second what Bill said. :)

Tom N.

Re: Why don't you post more videos, or any? - poll attached

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:39 am
by michelew
haoli25 wrote:
tgvanessa wrote:
...............I didn't want to seem like a 'show off'............ :S

Nessa, or uh, TGNessa, Pu-leese, please, please, SHOW OFF with another upload. And if it is not too much trouble, could you get your friend Corina to SHOW OFF with you? :) :) You two are magic together.

Gosh I'll second that, and third, fourth and fifth it. Pleeeeeeease show off. ;). I'd start a new poll as to whether people would like to see more of Ness, but there's only one option that anyone would choose "hell YES!!!", so what would be the point of that. :) :) :) OK, OK, Ok I get that you're busy trying to help us all catch up a little (my A-barres are getter better everyday because of you by the way), but go for it. I for one NEVER tire of seeing your posts.

Daryl, that goes for you too.


Edit - OK Tom beat me to the second by a micro second - so I'll just go third, fourth and fifth ;)

Re: Why don't you post more videos, or any? - poll attached

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:33 am
by fjeanmur
Ok, I'll answer this one. I've been lurking in the shadows for about 10 months, and only recently started posting a few comments on the Forum. But as I have become more involved with what's going on here, I have given a thought or two to posting a video. Here are my reasons why I haven't--

I'm still on such a learning curve that things are getting better on their own. Practice and patience are the best teachers.

i generally have a good sense of what needs to be corrected. But I have felt that when I do get to the point that I am all out of ideas, then ill think about posting.

I don't like the idea of having videos of me playing the guitar posted on YouTube. If I ever decide to do it, the camera will be focused on the guitar and not me. (This is a major, but honest, concern.)

Of course, the easiest way to be able to upload a video would be to enlist my daughter's help, but that might not happen immediately because she would be too busy laughing hysterically.

But this whole "re-venture" into plaing the guitar is one that I wouldn't mind having some support and comments for Forum members. Maybe toward the end of the summer I might get up the nerve to do it.


Re: Why don't you post more videos, or any? - poll attached

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:45 am
by michelew

What a GREAT response. Thanks so much for giving us your thoughts. I really look forward to seeing something from you.

A couple of things:

- unless you're in the witness protection program ;) I really wouldn't worry about posting on youtube. You're not doing anything you'll retreat later. In fact you'll wonder why you waited so long once you do post.
- I'm sure you're able to tell some things that you need to work on, but there may be something you're doing now that you should change a little before it gets ingrained and/or that you might do differently that could really boost your playing and progress - an independent observer with teaching experience, Neil and Nessa, could really help you more than you realise.
- posting will help you to gauge your progress, as a minimum record yourself (even if you don't post)
- the support and encouragement from the members will motivate you to learn and play more than you think it will.

My advice to you is to post as soon as you can.

And...your daughter will stop giggling eventually. I'm sure she'll just think you're really cool (even if she doesn't admit it), just like mine does. :)

Re: Why don't you post more videos, or any? - poll attached

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:58 am
by dennisg
It's not that Daryl and i exchange text messages so that we can coordinate our responses to your poll questions, Shel -- it's just that I happen to agree with him ... again. I chose "Other" because I just don't want to monopolize the space on TG. I post a video about every month or so, and that seems like plenty. I'm not shy about recording myself or putting myself out there for the whole world to see; I just don't want to turn the forum into my personal performance stage.

One of the surprising byproducts of recording (and watching) myself is that I see flaws in my performance I never would have discovered any other way. So recording yourself can have a lot of benefits, whether or not you post it on TG.