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RIP Bill Withers, McCoy Tyner and Get Well John Prine

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:30 pm
by Rbinding
It's been a tough month for a number of reasons. All of our lives have been affected in so many ways. I was sad to see Bill Withers passed the 30th at 81. McCoy Tyner, a great American jazz pianist died earlier this month at 81. Both musicians were close to my heart for many decades. Another favorite, John Prine, has been in an ICU for 8 days and is on a ventilator for bilateral pneumonia from Covid 19. I've been playing a couple of Prine songs every day sending him positive thoughts and hoping for the best.

I'm healthy and hope you are too. Stay positive, stay at home, wash your hands, and send John some positive waves. I look forward to when we can see, share, and play music together again.


Re: RIP Bill Withers, McCoy Tyner and Get Well John Prine

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:30 am
by familyman4
Hello Ron,

Glad to hear that you are healthy and playing guitar! Sending J.P. is a wonderful thing to do! He has certainly done that for us for many years.

Hope to see you soon after this pandemic is over!?!


Re: RIP Bill Withers, McCoy Tyner and Get Well John Prine

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:29 pm
by Rbinding
Absolutely, Bart!

As soon as they can open up Mom's retirement home in Phoenix, I'll be there and will let you know. I'm hoping that at the least, we should still be able to get to IGC in September, and look forward to seeing you then!

Stay healthy!
