On The Beat - Episode 462 - Weekly Guitar Video News Wrap Up May 3rd, 2019

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Sat May 04, 2019 6:04 pm

Hi Everyone!

The Weekly Wrap up has just been released!


https://www.totallyguitars.com/blog/gui ... -3rd-2019/

Continuing a thread from last week, a few of my students came in this week with theory questions
and I thought I would use this week’s update to elaborate on a lesson with Larry where he wanted
a deeper explanation of why the triads in a key work out the way they do. He was particularly
interested in being able to explain it to a friend of his who was just getting a little deeper into the
subject. As we know, in order to explain something to somebody else you need a better understanding
of it to begin with. At the end of this video I go into it a bit but leave some of it hanging. Please let me
know if it clears anything up for any of you.

The musical thread this week went down the line of chord progressions with descending bass lines, like
what we heard in our latest collaboration from the Time Zone Zombies and some of our other favorite
familiar faces. I have to compliment Michele and David for an excellent video that was very entertaining.
I played a few examples of songs with similar progressions, and I think I identified most of them.

This week we also released lessons on Just When I Needed You Most by Dolly Parton, Respect by Aretha
, Rock’N Me by Steve Miller and a new 5 Pack of lessons from Ben Harper.

Next week I will be traveling on Thursday so more News in two weeks.


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Sun May 05, 2019 12:57 pm

In 1982, in the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college, I was working the solo night shift in a White Hen Pantry (a local convenience-store chain in the Chicago area). At about 3 a.m. in the empty store, with the radio on, I was reading a Rolling Stone interview with Steve Miller in which he was asked about Pete Townshend's latest solo album, "All The Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes." Miller said something about how he found Townshend's songwriting to be "immature."

Just as I read that passage, I heard Miller sing the line, "Abra-Abracadabra, wanna reach out and grab ya."

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Sun May 05, 2019 11:10 pm

unclewalt wrote:
In 1982, in the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college, I was working the solo night shift in a White Hen Pantry (a local convenience-store chain in the Chicago area). At about 3 a.m. in the empty store, with the radio on, I was reading a Rolling Stone interview with Steve Miller in which he was asked about Pete Townshend's latest solo album, "All The Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes." Miller said something about how he found Townshend's songwriting to be "immature."

Just as I read that passage, I heard Miller sing the line, "Abra-Abracadabra, wanna reach out and grab ya."

I have a bit of a problem ever letting anyone back in the complimentary graces when they write and release one cringeworthy lyric. Although, I have to say I forgave Al Stewart for 'Mondo Sinistro' after seeing him play it with the band (Shot In The Dark, featuring Peter White), where they all came out in punk sunglasses.


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Fri May 10, 2019 6:54 pm

I like most of Steve Miller's best-known tunes just fine, and I'd probably like some album cuts, too, if I chose to delve. But that comment about Townshend was just ridiculous coming from him. The fact that I read it literally at the same moment he was doing the dumb chorus to that dumb song on the radio made it stick in my head forever. The timing was incredible.

If I held cringeworthy lyrics against songwriters (including Townshend, who is generally a great lyricist), I would have many fewer albums, and almost none from the 70s.

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