On The Beat - Episode 635 - Weekly Guitar Video News Wrap Up December 3, 2021

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Fri Dec 03, 2021 9:54 pm

December 3, 2021

I recently watched the Get Back documentary by Peter Jackson on the January, 1969 sessions The Beatles did working on the album that became 'Let It Be', which turned out to be their last release in 1970. It got me listening to many of those songs in a slightly different way, and led to a few improvs on them throughout today's update. Turns out there were more than a dozen instrumental attempts today as I recall, many of them not Beatles related.

Over the last two weeks we did release about 5 new artist packs and a handful of new lessons. The new packs included Aerosmith, Queen, Chicago, and two by Green Day, one Electric and one Acoustic. The recent lessons were For You Blue and I Me Mine by The Beatles, along with Make Me Smile from Chicago's second album.

I have also scheduled a Webinar for our KOA members for Saturday, December 11. Details are on the TG KOA Forum.

And now that it is December, I hope all our TG students, and music students in general are brushing up on Holiday tunes.

See you next week,


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Mon Dec 06, 2021 5:00 pm

I've been considering a lengthy "what the heck" wishlist that included a Christmas song. My original thought was something with swing from Brian Setzer Orchestra or possibly Michael Buble. However, the problem with most Christmas songs is they're out of place except a few months a year. There are songs set at Christmas that I think work year round. Therefore, I submit

It's melancholy with a touch of hope, but beautiful. Although the second guitar is a fantastic accompaniment to Jim's playing, (like most Croce songs) it works well on one guitar. Speaking of melancholy, I submit a New Year's Eve song that violates my year round stance above. I didn't quite get when it was first released. The older I got, the more I understood it.

I know this is a Manilow-free site. Apologies if that's intentional. Obviously, it would have to be arranged for guitar. One of my wishlist songs is Manilow's All The Time, but the one above fits the season.

Thanks for any consideration. Hope the holiday season is treating everyone well.

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