On The Beat - Episode 660 - Weekly Guitar Video News Wrap Up June 10, 2022

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Fri Jun 10, 2022 7:22 pm

Hi Folks,

The News is live and ready-

June 10, 2022

Continuing with last week’s opening style, today I started with another old piece of mine that has not been officially released anywhere yet. One Step Beyond was probably the first piece I wrote after finishing my last album, El Dorado. There have been a few recent developments that I elaborate on that have put me back on track to get to work on a new album, or three, four or five as I start looking over the last 20 years of material. There may even be a plan to resurrect my old Joplin And Sweeney label and seriously get back into the record business. Stay tuned…

The big news this week was we are thrilled to welcome TGNesh back into the fold creating lessons for all of us. This week’s entry was suggested on the Forum and Nesh was happy to oblige us with Forever by Sheryl Crow.

A couple other interesting things popped up on the Forum, including a link to Bobby Lind’s oldie Elusive Butterfly. Rather than do a lesson on it I thought a couple clues to go with the video might be enough for many players to figure it out.

I want to thank Jaap for pointing out a missing backing track to our lesson on Apache by The Shadows. It was easy to track down and add to the attachments and thanks go out to everybody who helps us out with some of our oversights.

Today’s tips were along the lines of organizing barre chords out of our main families and getting a grip on which chords are on which frets. This was tied to memorizing the 7 letters of our musical alphabet in fifths starting with F and fourths starting with B. The logic is explained in a little more detail as the News wraps up.

See you next week,
