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Busking Head'n South

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:42 pm
by MarkM
Well I don't normally do this. In fact I've never posted something like this. As most know I recently moved from NH to just north of Atlanta Georgia. I drove down about a week and a half ago now. Me in my car and my friend was driving my wife's car down. Coming out of VA on route 81 (if anyone knows where that is) into North Carolina I was up in the mountains and it was about 8:00AM on a Sunday. Beautiful landscape to say the least. Anyway this little tune popped into my tired head and I couldn't get it out of there. So about 8 hours later I arrived at my empty house. Just two guitars, my dog and some clothes. (my wife and kids flew down two days later) What to do??? Hmm.... Well I tried to find the tune on my guitar and low and behold I think I found it. What you'll see here is really just an easy finger picking pattern with some simple chords. Nothing complicated. I run through the sequence 3 times. I seem to have the verses and ending but can't think of a bridge. Not sure if it needs one but I'm open to all and any ideas. What would you all add to it or not? Didn't really have a title so I'm just calling it Head'n South......................... Thanks for your feedback. I'll get back to some real songs soon.........


Had this little tune in my head on the drive down the east coast.

PLEASE NOTE: If video was recently uploaded it will not work yet. YouTube will need a little more time to get the video ready. Please check back again soon.

Re: Busking Head'n South

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:42 pm
by lueders
How Nice is that? That is some crisp, brisk finger pickin' there, Ace!! :) :)

To me that sounds like a cool tune that you hear, as the closing credits of some Indie film roll.

You know?....the kind of musical texture that pulls you in so much... & you find yourself sitting there
through all the credits. in hopes of seeing who the band is at the very end. So then you can buy the album or at
least go find it for download.

I thought this was GREAT, Mark! SERIOUSLY A NICE TUNE!! :) :) :) :)

I was sitting here noodling around over the of your play having a ball. I think, I decided some very minimal, slide
playing would sound nice over the top of this to accent your changes. If there was someone who was a killer slide
player that might be something you could add. I wish I was that killer slide player. (But alas, I am certainly not

Does it have lyrics? Or is going to be an instrumental. I can see it going either way.
I think it definitely holds up as an instrumental!

Great Job!!! And thanks again for posting this!!!
Honestly, this is a keeper. It is definitely better than a lot of crap-ola that is out there!


Re: Busking Head'n South

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:44 am
by Craig
Congratulations Mark! Very cool to have an original in your head and be able to turn it into something! I liked it a lot. Way to go!
Keep up the good work and good luck on your piece.

Re: Busking Head'n South

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:03 am
by tovo
Hey Mark. Always love to see your videos. I love what you have done with the place as well!

It was "crisp and clean". Your picking was great. Great tone from the guitar also. I would go out on a limb (given I am about as close to composing tunes as I am to becoming an Astronaut) and say it could use more variety. It was mainly G to D? The hammer-ons on the D were nice as was the little variation on the G but they became repetitive until the A? was thrown in. But it's a nice basis for a real nice tune. Was this song from your own head, or is is a tune you have heard somewhere else? Lot's of questions there sorry. Hope what I have said makes some sense, feel free to tell me if I'm way off the mark.

Re: Busking Head'n South

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:28 am
by abiliog
Beautiful moment of inspiration.
If you think it needs some more variety, take advantage of the momentum and try to find that
bridge from "NH to north of Atlanta" and you're on your way to be a music composer :)
I like it already, congratulations Mark,

Re: Busking Head'n South

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:57 am
by pbraun
Welcome to Atlanta Mark! Time to shed the long sleeves! It;s 100 here... The tune sounds just great!

Re: Busking Head'n South

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:19 am
by Yamaha48
Hello my friend.

Good to see this video.
Sounds realy good,and nice picking.
I like your video's.


Re: Busking Head'n South

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:48 am
by dsmarion
Hey Mark,

Thanks for letting us eavesdrop on your creative process. I think that is very cool. I have no idea what to tell you to add for a bridge but I like getting to watch the process. Very nice fingerpicking makes a couple simple chords really come to life btw - I hope I get there someday :-).


Re: Busking Head'n South

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:51 am
by daryl
How about trying a F#m G A7 back to the D sort of thing.....

Re: Busking Head'n South

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:03 am
by willem
Hi Mark,,the south thing must do you good and that showed(it's composing air there i think),, nice travis pickin(it sounded a bit Buckingham),,were you do the big pinky stretch i was singin''head'n south,head'n south'''(so maybe you got some lyric's now),,maybe less hammeron's on the D and maybe adding a A for doing a pulloff or something(or a kinda James Taylor stuff),, i think the song is in D(not really 'cos you capod).. wish you the best in your new place..