Challenge: A picture tells a thousand words... is there a song in there?

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Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:46 am

Very poetic and evocative, Michele. I could see the mental images clearly.

Quite looking forward to hearing the tune you have in mind for this. :side:


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Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:51 pm

David; Mark;

Thank you. It's nice to hear your thoughts. I've already made a couple of tweaks, including a new title.

I actually see the photo as just the spark. After that the songline burns wherever it goes. So yeh the song should be self contained in my view. I'm glad it is.

Memory is a funny thing I found while writing this that I was having a little trouble separating what I remembered from what I'd been told or photos.

Looking forward to what you and others might come up with.


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Sun Mar 19, 2017 3:02 pm

Magnificent song lyrics Shel! Vivid and complete, there is a whole story there. You have a real gift there, what a great idea and example you have set. If I had a hat, I'd be doffing it to you right now :) .

Thank you Ness and Shel for your comments on my photo with Ale, yes, it captures the moment and feel perfectly and its a treasure to me. I have wanted to write a song for/about Ale since forever but I find that if I even have to talk about her I become very emotional and can hardly speak. It was that way at her Christening and its that way still today. So, I have never been able to write. Maybe you have moved me a step closer. You really do add so much to TG Shel! :)

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Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:08 pm

Michele, what a great thread and how moving your lyrics.
I could almost smell the paint and wood from the shed you write about... Really looking forward to the melody.
You are a very gifted woman and can be proud of what you accomplish and do in many ways...

Corina :kiss:

Chris... jaw dropping picture... stunning and heartwarming...

So here's my picture

And here the poem I just now wrote and I wont be able to make it into a song, not sure if it would even work with the lyrics, but here it goes;

The last dance

Life gives and takes away
and each morning it awakes
a dreamed reality to see
You, ....still holding on to me

Fading memories, combing my hair
sitting on your lap, me singing,
as you held your breath, without a trace
letting every note sink in
the look of wonder upon your face

The piano sang it's teary song
As I watched your hands unfold treasures
I stood and watched a lifetime
or was it just years, who measures...

Life gives and takes away
and each morning it awakes
a dreamed reality to see
You, .... still holding on to me

The day you gave me away
If I would have known or been able to see
I would have had a thousand pictures
showing the last dance... showing you and me...

Life gives and takes away
and each morning it awakes
A reality I see
The last dance was danced with me... Image

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Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:45 pm

Chris, thank you. And I SO understand the emotional bit. There are a few things I've started writing and then stopped....because I'd never be able to sing it.

Corina...WOW... beautiful. I knew you'd be able to rise to this challenge. I assume that's your Dad. Beautiful images, the photo and within the lyrics. You mix both sadness and nice memories so effortlessly.

Regarding whether the lyrics can become a song, you'll know when you start singing it. I often find that I need to adjust the lyrics a bit to match the meter of the song or just to make it flow better. I sent David a demo yesterday. Bits of my lyrics are quite wordy to sing and while it generally works it is feeling a bit ... too many words... so I'll need to do a bit of rewriting to make it fit better. :). It seems to be part of the process. Think of books you've read that then became films. The script writers can never fit all the details of a book in. They need to trim it while maintaining the key themes and feelings. :)

It's funny that you have the line "faded memories" in your lyrics, as that's the new title of my song. :) I found it a little difficult to describe things as well as I wanted to. In the end some of what I've written about actually relates to my uncle, whom I often saw at the same time. In some ways he was a father figure to me too and the main theme of the song definitely applies to him as well.

Thank you sweetie for sharing your personal memories with us in such a lovely way. :kiss: Oceans

This thread seems to have a theme, love for or of a father figure. I wonder whether we'll see any other themes emerge.

Thanks again.


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Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:51 pm

Ufff Corina! How wonderful, all of it, the lyrics and the pic and the picture you paint with your words (not even in your native language)! You brought tears to my eyes. I told you Shel, this will be a stellar thread!

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Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:17 pm

neverfoundthetime wrote:
Magnificent song lyrics Shel! Vivid and complete, there is a whole story there. You have a real gift there, what a great idea and example you have set. If I had a hat, I'd be doffing it to you right now :) .

Thank you Ness and Shel for your comments on my photo with Ale, yes, it captures the moment and feel perfectly and its a treasure to me. I have wanted to write a song for/about Ale since forever but I find that if I even have to talk about her I become very emotional and can hardly speak. It was that way at her Christening and its that way still today. So, I have never been able to write. Maybe you have moved me a step closer. You really do add so much to TG Shel! :)
Chris, I'll bet Michele and Corina will help you out here. But I think you've already got a good start. The song title has to be "Since Forever". And your lyrics have to contain something like:

I find that if I talk about her
I become very emotional
And can't hardly speak

It was that way
At her Christening
And it's that way
Still today

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Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:19 pm

Very touching.

crieniecat wrote:
Michele, what a great thread and how moving your lyrics.
I could almost smell the paint and wood from the shed you write about... Really looking forward to the melody.
You are a very gifted woman and can be proud of what you accomplish and do in many ways...

Corina :kiss:

Chris... jaw dropping picture... stunning and heartwarming...

So here's my picture

And here the poem I just now wrote and I wont be able to make it into a song, not sure if it would even work with the lyrics, but here it goes;

The last dance

Life gives and takes away
and each morning it awakes
a dreamed reality to see
You, ....still holding on to me

Fading memories, combing my hair
sitting on your lap, me singing,
as you held your breath, without a trace
letting every note sink in
the look of wonder upon your face

The piano sang it's teary song
As I watched your hands unfold treasures
I stood and watched a lifetime
or was it just years, who measures...

Life gives and takes away
and each morning it awakes
a dreamed reality to see
You, .... still holding on to me

The day you gave me away
If I would have known or been able to see
I would have had a thousand pictures
showing the last dance... showing you and me...

Life gives and takes away
and each morning it awakes
A reality I see
The last dance was danced with me... Image

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Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:58 am

I love the lyrics and the photo should definitely try and put a melody to the words... if you record even a sketch of the first line then the rest will surely come.

wonderful /david

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Mon Mar 20, 2017 8:08 am

Wow, you guys are so incredibly talented at this. So enjoyable and inspiring to read! : :cheer:


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