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Re: M.I.A.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:40 am
by hasben
Hi all. This is so weird. I haven't been on the site for at least a year. I checked in and The Wrench was asking about me. Well, still alive. Been busy getting divorced and remarried and moving to Nashville. Recently my new wife and I have bought a home on Whidbey Island in the state of Washington. I'll be back after the first of the year. Best wishes to all my good friends here.

Re: M.I.A.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:45 pm
by willem
hasben wrote:
Hi all. This is so weird. I haven't been on the site for at least a year. I checked in and The Wrench was asking about me. Well, still alive. Been busy getting divorced and remarried and moving to Nashville. Recently my new wife and I have bought a home on Whidbey Island in the state of Washington. I'll be back after the first of the year. Best wishes to all my good friends here.


Re: M.I.A.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:48 pm
by Chasplaya
wrench wrote:
Izzy recently checked into Facebook and advised trouble about getting onto the site, maybe Admin can help out as I couldn't determine her problem.

Re: M.I.A.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:49 pm
by Chasplaya
hasben wrote:
Hi all. This is so weird. I haven't been on the site for at least a year. I checked in and The Wrench was asking about me. Well, still alive. Been busy getting divorced and remarried and moving to Nashville. Recently my new wife and I have bought a home on Whidbey Island in the state of Washington. I'll be back after the first of the year. Best wishes to all my good friends her.e.
Wrench pipped me on this query, good to see you are still alive and kicking mate. Sent a pm mate

Re: M.I.A.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:51 pm
by Chasplaya
neverfoundthetime wrote:
This is a Missing In Action call out to some fellow TGers who have been absent for a while now and I'm just curios if they are still hanging out at the site behind the scenes sometimes. Maybe you have someone in mind you haven't seen on the forum for a few months or so and would like to give them a call out and get back in touch or just ask for an up-date on how things are going... just add them to the thread and let's see if we get hear anything...

So here's my call out to Rick rcsnydley, Garry Goldleaf, kevin Eagle670, barb BrbBrb and Chris Cabro... how's it hanging folks?
BrbBrb checks in still but doesn't do the forum, she pm's me from time to time

Re: M.I.A.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:11 pm
by wrench
It is wonderful to hear from Fred. I admit I feared the worst there for a moment. Great to hear about Izzy, too. The last time i saw Izzy in the forum, I promised to play a song for her, and when she she returns I WILL KEEP MY WORD! Iz, the song has been ready since April 2010.

Chris starts some very meaningful and thought-provoking threads, and this one is right up there. I have been thinking recently that the TG community has lost some of of its mojo. I think there were some genuine friendships forged here, and I would hate to see them fade out. I remember the rainy Sunday morning I welcomed Chris to TG. I remember the Saturday night I joked with Suzi that her kids were just getting out of diapers as some of us TG'ers were just going back into them. I remember the Muppets....... I am in no way trying to exclude any of our new members; I would like them to get as involved in the TG community as much as any of us ever were.

Alright, my heart is bleeding on my sleeve a little here, so back to the list. I admit I'm as guilty as anyone, but Bear doesn't stop by as often.

Great thread, Chris!

Re: M.I.A.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:23 pm
by wrench


Re: M.I.A.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:42 pm
by Chasplaya
wrench wrote:

Chris starts some very meaningful and thought-provoking threads, and this one is right up there.

Great thread, Chris![/quote]

I'll second that! A few names cropping up that I'd forgotten. Don't know about losing its mojo, the site is getting bigger more new members who may not be aware of the cooky things we used to get up to e.g Muppets, pirates etc.

Re: M.I.A.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:52 pm
by neverfoundthetime
Great to see this catch fire and that the timing for Fred was perfect... man, Fred Hasben, I was going to add you to my list but i didn't want to claim everyone MIA in my first post. Good to here things are moving on the way you want.

Thanks for the update on Barb and Izzy Chas, Damian (D-dog) I see often posting on FB.

By now, I've forgotten about by whom I was welcomed exactly Dan, I remember you, Chas, Andy, Bear and all the Muppets and Pirates for sure. I don't things have cooled down at TG, there are for sure many more members and we've learned not to treat it as a private boys club and everyone who is game is included.

Re: M.I.A.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:53 pm
by lueders
Chasplaya wrote:
wrench wrote:

Chris starts some very meaningful and thought-provoking threads, and this one is right up there.

Great thread, Chris!
I'll second that! A few names cropping up that I'd forgotten. Don't know about losing its mojo, the site is getting bigger more new members who may not be aware of the cooky things we used to get up to e.g Muppets, pirates etc.[/quote]

OKay, Founding members...Muppets? Pirates? I admit, I'm lost...that must 've been WELL before I found my way into the candy store. Anyways, Good "karma" on you and plenty of "pizza points" if you would be so kind as to explain it....