Where to Start?!

Neil replies to questions from our members.
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Joined: Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:40 am
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Fri May 01, 2009 12:33 pm

A question from FlatPick

Hi all,

I am happy to be a member of the TARGET program. I want to treat this like real lessons, not just hopping around clicking on things. I want to make real head way!

So, What do I do? I have gone through the beginners lesson #1, Lucky Man. Loved it! I really didn't have any problem with any of the material covered there, so maybe I am between a beginner and intermediate. I could just go pick out my favorite songs from the list and learn them, but I want more than that. I can do that anywhere. I want to show improvement in my playing. Do I continue working through Beginner lesson #2 and so on .. seems logical.

Is there a particular order I should go in? Which first?


Neil's reply

Welcome to TARGET and glad to hear you enjoyed the Lucky Man lesson. The series of beginning lessons is really designed to help you establish good techniques so you can progress as fast and efficiently as possible. That's why, in Lesson #1, I go over things like finger placement, hand position, and how to play a simple melody. The first 5 Beginner's Lessons should be done sequentially and will take you through your first set of essential chords, get you started on strumming, and enable you to play a few simple songs, all the while establishing a good foundation and baseline that will get you ready to explore the Song Library.

There are many more episodes of the Beginning Lesson Series at various stages of completion that will be coming out over the next few weeks. The next lessons will introduce bar chords, riffs, fingerpicking, blues, and more complex strumming techniques. You are welcome to try these in different orders, depending on your interests.
