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Re:Just joined within the past few weeks

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:24 pm
by Chasplaya
Hi Tony, Welcome to TG, its mostly all been said about how great this site is and I endorse it all, looks as if you have set yourself some busy times ahead good luck with that. Enjoy the site and all it has to offer and the opportunity to meet a lot of like minded folks

Re:Just joined within the past few weeks

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:01 pm
by haoli25
Hello Tony. Welcome to TG. You will find some very good
and talented people here. We look forward to picking your

Haoli -Bill

Re:Just joined within the past few weeks

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:33 pm
by tbeltrans
Thanks everybody. Yes, this site is quite active with new material being added and lots of work being planned and done on the site itself.

(sorry, can't link to commercial sites)

However, Guitar College is very different from what is being offered here. My bet is that, for many people here, this site is the best way to go. Guitar College is really for those who would like to go off to a guitar college to deeply study music and the guitar (i.e. Music Tech, Musician's Institute, Berklee, etc), but who are not able to drop out of their lives for a few years to do so. I can pursue Guitar College because I don't have kids and my life is such that I have a fair amount of control over my evenings. I finished college at night in the classroom, and figure this commitment is similar. It is definitely NOT something I would recommend lightly, because it is a real long term commitment, with all the theory and fretboard drills that one would expect in a college-level curriculum. What Neil offers here is a means of directly learning to play the songs people who grew up since the 60s would enjoy playing. He offers a little bit of theory here and there, enough so that you are actually learning something more than just how to "wiggle your fingers" so the song comes out. That is a lot, and there is a commitment to that if you want to be successful. I think he has found a real nice balance between floundering on your own and having to jump off the deep end to learn everything about the instrument. In that space that Neil has carved out, you learn some really nice tunes and build a sense of what playing guitar is about, so you can go and explore other areas too.


Re:Just joined within the past few weeks

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:42 pm
by AndyT
Thanks for the link. I was checking them out. A very intense program to be sure. If I had the time and money, I'd go with it, especially since Rick is a Christian and has a special place for teaching worship leaders and praise teams, but alas....