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Hello from Virginia via Perth, Australia

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:22 am
by bob65
Hi Everyone,

I've been a target member from the start of it all after finding Neil on You Tube, which had become one of my favorite sites, especially when I could find songs and guitar lessons that made sense.

Spent most of my time in Northern Virginia, but am living in Perth, Australia for the last few years. Found a girl from "Down Under"...LOL

Neil's playing and song choices were what brought me here, as I'm 54 and a want a be guitarist/rock star that never took the time to get that good, nor take any lessons. Some say I play well, but I'm my own worst critic...and until it "sounds" like an Eagles CD...well, I still need more practicing!

I've been playing an acoustic since I was very young, imitating my father who fooled around on an old guitar, that "looked" like a Martin CF-1 that he had for years.

I was always good at finding and playing riffs and parts of songs, and played for my own enjoyment...even to the point of falling asleep on the couch still plucking a few

I'm now trying to relive my youth and go back and learn the WHOLE song like Neil teaches, and I'd have to say in the last couple of years, I'm at least progressing. The frustrating part is watching 12 year old kids on You Tube that are absolutely brilliant, and I'm still fumbling around! Maybe it's a memory thing as you get older...

One goal is to feel confident enough to sign on with the "Weekend Warriors" program at the local music shop, which is made of of us old timers that are not pros, and with a few weeks practice, get on stage and perform for an audience. Looks like lots of fun.

I like a variety of music, but especially 70's stuff like:

The Eagles
James Taylor
Neil Young
Led Zeppelin
Etc...pretty much like everything Neil has posted in the Target program.

I love acoustic/with picking but would love to buy a Les Paul Supreme, and learn the rock side of things, especial lead in either blues or rock.

I'm currently playing a Fender (Electric/Acoustic) GA-45 SCE with a Fender Acoustasonic Jr. DSP.

That's about it. Thanks Neil for a great site...keep the lessons comming!


Re:Hello from Virginia via Perth, Australia

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:22 am
by BobR
Hi Bob,

I have also been in from the beginning. I found TG when my son-in-law sent me a link for Bob Seger's Still the Same. I did learn it and now needs a bit of polishing. I to really enjoy most of Neils selections. I just find there are so many that I do like, it's hard to chose one and stick to it. I am working on Moody Blues Story in your eyes.

Anyway Welcome from another Bob.

Re:Hello from Virginia via Perth, Australia

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:37 am
by neverfoundthetime
Welcome down there in Perth from up here in Switzerland Bob. Sounds like a familiar story. Enjoy the ride here and look froward to seeing you around the forums and groups!

Re:Hello from Virginia via Perth, Australia

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:55 am
by Lavallee
Bob, welcome from Canada, as you said the type of music is very attractive. What Led Zeppelin song do you play?


Re:Hello from Virginia via Perth, Australia

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:08 pm
by Lavallee
Bob, Welcome from Weastern Washington.


Re:Hello from Virginia via Perth, Australia

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:38 pm
by tovo
Hey Bob welcome from Adelaide. You picked a nice spot to live in Australia, I love Fremantle (I know you live in Perth but it's close). How long have you been there? Thanks for posting the introduction, I'm sure that this site can help you with your goals. Welcome and all the best.

Re:Hello from Virginia via Perth, Australia

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:04 pm
by BigBear
Hey Bob, welcome from a little south of Mike in Portland, Oregon! Great intro! I lived in Woodbridge/Alexandria for awhile while I was at Ft. Belvoir. For a history buff there was lots to see and do but you guys can have that humidity! LOL!

You sound like so many of us who wanted to be Guitar Gods when we were young but never had the time, persistence or drugs to get there! LOL! I like to look at the postive side- at least we didn't become drummers!

Anyway, thanks for finally chiming in and hope to see a lot more posts from you!

Cheers! :cheer:

Re:Hello from Virginia via Perth, Australia

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:24 pm
by terrynewton
Hi Bob from Sacramento, California. Glad you popped you head up said -- hey "What About Bob" LOL. Hope you saw the movie. It was great, seen it at least five time. Anyway thanks for giving us your background and hope to see a face some day on the upload. If you have been with TG from the beginning, then you know your with a fun group of guitarist. At least, that's what we call ourselves. Right Guys?? :laugh:

Re:Hello from Virginia via Perth, Australia

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:04 pm
by Chasplaya
Hi Bob and a warm welcome from me in NZ. You have a similar story to most guys around here. Good to hear from you and hope to hear more cheers
