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Re:Hey Now - Dave from NH

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:16 pm
by davidpaul
WOW....thanks for the greetings everybody! Look foward to learning and conversing with you all. Maybe I'll get to meet up with you sometime MarkM from Goffstown!!

Re:Hey Now - Dave from NH

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:20 pm
by BigBear
neverfoundthetime wrote:
Hey now David! Greetings from CH, er that's Switzerland (it's also my initials). I know it doesn't sound right but it means Confederation Helvetica - the union of Hevetic states which makes up Switzerland and it's French, German, Italian and Rätoromanisch speaking regions. One of those states (Kantons) is TG (Thurgau), seriously folks! So welcome to TG from TG in CH and have a great time. TG (Totally Guitars) is definitely a state to be in! :-) Chris H.

Chris- I thought you were a squash coach not a geography professor! lol! And didn't you Anglicize "Confederation" (Confoederatio Helvetica)? rofl! :silly:

Hey Dave! Big welcome to the program from Oregon, where it's only snowed once this year for about 4 hours! Bummer!

With your tastes in music, you'll fit right in here. I hope you enjoy all TARGET has to offer and let us know if we can ever help you with anything. Lot's of helpers here!

Cheers! :cheer: