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Introducing nephilim to Totally Guitars

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:20 am
by willem
I«m from England, but my current location is Berlin, Germany.

I started learning to play the guitar when I was 11 years old ( I am now 29), have put it down for the past 10 years and recently picked it back up again, and never intend to put it down again!

I would love an ES! 

I love early Fleetwood Mac, my Dad got me into them when I was a little girl, educating me on how brilliant a guitarist Peter Green was!My other favorite band is Fields of the Nephilim. I«m currently looking to learn how to play atmospheric guitar, that that is found in early Fields of the Nephilim albums such as "Earth Inferno". Also, I want to learn how to play Fleetwood Mac " Oh Well". Also, I want to learn how to play Fields of the Nephilim version of " The Year 2525", the guitar work was done by John Carter. Sadly there is no tab on the internet for this version and the guitar solo is brilliant.

To play like Peter Green and to play like all the guitar work done in "Earth Inferno" by Fields of the Nephilim.

I«m a Photographer, Director of Lighting and I make music videos for bands.

I«m a Musher.( Dog Sled Racing)