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Introducing lilmexinessa to Totally Guitars

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:45 pm
by TGMatt
Introduce yourself. What is your name and location?

vanessa i am 21 yrs old, i live here in washington state, i love to sing dance, and hopefully soon know how to play the guitar

Tell us a little about your story, you can tell us your age if your game but not necessary (or age bracket, we have a truly diverse group). When did you take up guitar? How long have you been playing? What led you to look for lessons or help, how is it you ended up here?

i am interested in learning how to play the guitar and have been for a while, but just recently bought a guitar. so i hope to learn fairly fast

What Kind of Guitar do you play? Do you have any others in your stable? Do you lust after anything else specifically? (all of us here have the 'disease' it seems)

i only have one acustic guitar..i want to learn how to play and master the acustic guitar i have.

What is your favorite music to play? How about to listen to? What kind of playing styles would you like to learn or already know?

i would like to learn many country songs as well as mexican songs.and at least most chords................

If there was one goal you could accomplish in your learning journey what would that be? or maybe you have many?

learn how to play all my favorite songs and have a new hobbie that is less spendy that being at the clubs all the time.......................

If you are comfortable share with us your work a little, job, business, whatever you want to say.

im currently working two jobs, and hope to enroll in school by sept, 2010.......................

Anything else you would like to share ? Anything about your family, hobbies outside of Guitar? On the site you will meet everyone from golfers to Gourmet Chef's to car nuts, and sports folk..and everyone in between. Whatever else you may want to add?

hope to mainly have fun in the process,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Re:Introducing lilmexinessa to Totally Guitars

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:40 pm
by coomba
G'day Vanessa
Welcome to TG
As a beginner you are so lucky to find TG. I wish I had found it when I first started out,I would have saved years of frustration not to mention all the bad habits I picked up.
Have a look at Neils beginner lesson there a great place to start. Also the song Lucky Man is an excellent early lesson. Neils lessons are all graded. The higher the number the more challenging.
Anyway have fun.