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Introducing rvf263 to Totally Guitars

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:41 pm
by rvf263
Introduce yourself. What is your name and location?

Hi, my name is Bob and I'm from Southeast Michigan.

Tell us a little about your story, you can tell us your age if your game but not necessary (or age bracket, we have a truly diverse group). When did you take up guitar? How long have you been playing? What led you to look for lessons or help, how is it you ended up here?

I'm an intermiediate guitar player. Neil's description of the intermediate player pretty much fits me perfect. I've been playing many years but never really took guitar serious. I always had a guitar lying around.

What Kind of Guitar do you play? Do you have any others in your stable? Do you lust after anything else specifically? (all of us here have the 'disease' it seems)

Yeah I have the "disease" I must admit. I've been playing my Larrivee alot lately. I also have a Babicz Jumbo Identity and a 64'ish Gibson LG0 which I love for blues.
I also have several electrics 84American Strat, MIM Tele, Epi LP, Godin w/p-90's.

What is your favorite music to play? How about to listen to? What kind of playing styles would you like to learn or already know?

I listen to all types of music really but mostly like older stuff and blues for sure. I'd love to learn some Neil Young, Pink Floyd, and Beatle tunes completely. That's what really drew me to this website.

If there was one goal you could accomplish in your learning journey what would that be? or maybe you have many?

Well, as an intermediate player and as Neil describes, I only know bits and pieces of things from songs to theory. I'd like to progress and learn complete songs and learn more about theory.

If you are comfortable share with us your work a little, job, business, whatever you want to say.

I'm a Respiratory Therapist at a major hospital in my area. It's a great job and I really enjoy it.

Anything else you would like to share ? Anything about your family, hobbies outside of Guitar? On the site you will meet everyone from golfers to Gourmet Chef's to car nuts, and sports folk..and everyone in between. Whatever else you may want to add?

I'm currently building my first amp. It's a Ceriatone HRM 50w Bluesmaster. It's suppose to be a Dumble copy. It's a slow process but it's coming along good.......I think... :)

Thanks for letting me join the program!

Re:Introducing rvf263 to Totally Guitars

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:34 am
by coomba
G'day Bob
Welcome to TG
You should fit in quite well here. The are many here with similar stories.
I see you have also joined Target.
Welcome to that as well.It truly is amazing and Neils lesson there are second to none.
Don't be afraid to get involved or upload your progress the gang here are very supportive.
Have fun

PS Nice collection too