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Greetings from Dubai

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:02 am
by ualgrizz
Hi Guys...

Just an average beginner perhaps bordering on intermediate player here...but like us all would like to get better. I cycle in the winters in Dubai and play during the summer.I ran through the first 5 lessons in the beginning section and Neil concluded with "just wait to you get to the barre chords". But, I could not find that logical progression in the lesson section. Any hints please. Although the first lessons were basic I did learn something and would like to go through his barre chord lesson if there is such an animal.

Thanks, John

Re: Greetings from Dubai

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:15 am
by michelew
Hi John,

A big hi from a currently soggy Sydney.

Here's a link to a quick tip on barre chords. ... bar-chords if you look for songs with a 2 in the rating, that's when Neil starts to add a couple of barre chords. He may have some barre advice in them.

There's bound to be other specific lessons, but none that come to mind immediately.

Enjoy your time here. Jump right in a record and upload something as soon as you can.

I'm looking forward to seeing something from you.

Have fun.


Re: Greetings from Dubai

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:32 am
by michelew
Hey John and welcome from Holland!

Just wanna wish you lots of fun here at TG! :)



Re: Greetings from Dubai

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:02 am
by Music Junkie

A big welcome from Ventura, CA, USA!

Michele already dropped the link for the barre chords, so I will just wish you luck, and say that I am glad you took the time to introduce yourself here at TG... B)


Re: Greetings from Dubai

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:44 am
by Hydroman52

Welcome from snowy central Wisconsin, USA. Thanks for introducing yourself, and it's good to see that you got an answer to your question so quickly. But that's usually the way things go around here.

Welcome again,

Re: Greetings from Dubai

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:45 am
by familyman4
Welcome John! Sounds like you have a really good foundation to build on so TG is certainly the place to get you to the next level.

Have a blast!

Re: Greetings from Dubai

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:57 pm
by coomba
G'day John
Welcome to TG , you have come to the right place for sure to continue your guitar learning journey.
I see Michele has already given you a link to help with Barre chords, she is always very quick to help us around here.

I remember going through the stage you are at and I found Neils Chord Companion series excellent its got just about everything you need.
I have included the link for you and for future reference you can find it in the Tips & Techniques, Theory and Styles on the menu bar at the top of the page. Then just click on Techniques and there it is . All Neils lessons in the same menu are great so have a look at them too.

Good luck and enjoy the ride.

(Australia) ... /3981.html

Re: Greetings from Dubai

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:41 pm
by auntlynnie
Hello John !
And welcome from Virginia.
There is so much on this site that it takes awhile to find your way around.
I keep stumbling on new lessons that are pertinent to what I am working on.

Re: Greetings from Dubai

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:46 am
by ualgrizz
Folks thanks for the welcome...yes it is a cool site. I am a pilot by trade, consequently used to a vector all of the time. The problem with my guitar playing is lack of discipline. I get going one way and two days later I switch directions...whether it be acoustic to electric or funk to blues :silly: Anyway, Neil's lesson, While My Guitar Gently Weeps was great. Wish he had the lead part!


PS...from all of you suffering from the cold and snow...would give anything to trade for a day or two. My home is in Denver, but sticking it out it Dubai with a Taylor and an American Strat.

Re: Greetings from Dubai

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:51 pm
by neverfoundthetime
Welcome from Switzerland John... Dubai and Taylor sound like a good alternative to 6 months of winter which is what we have had... including today! Can you confirm the sun still shines... have not seen it here in 30 days! Hope you have a blast here.