The Audio Store Is Back Up And Running

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Sat Jun 18, 2022 9:27 pm

Hey Folks,

As I started mentioning a few weeks ago, there are some new things happening here at TG. The first was inspired by a few friends of mine working on recording their music and putting it out to the public. This got me on the path of reviving my old Joplin & Sweeney site and using it as a record store. Of course, just downloads of mp3s are what is in stock.

There is a bit of variety there. Along with my 6 albums we have a few classical ones and a very cool jazz one from my friend Jim Witzel. You can listen to samples of every track, pop them into a cart, and download them. They are all at the special price of $7.50 for the month of June. We are adding more stuff soon but at least the albums are live now at Joplin & Sweeney Music.

Comments, suggestions and feedback are certainly appreciated, positive or negative as this will be under construction for a while.
