Crazy camp-inspired idea - TG virtual open mic

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Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:05 am

This is an idea that may well flop...but I figure it could be a lot of fun.

The camp sounds like a huge success and everyone we've heard from has taken home cherished memories. One of the sessions that seems to have been really successful and was enjoyed by all is the open mic. It sound like a lot of people were inspired to get up an play and were glad they did.

I know it's not the same thing, but how about we start a TG virtual open mic busking thread. Anyone who'd like to get up and play to the TG crowd just needs to post a video. So those of you who attended the camp and played at the open mic but have never posted a video, here's an opportunity to play for a TG audience again. Those of you who are inspired by the camp stories and would have loved to have played in the open mic session, here's your chance. Dermot that includes you mate.

Anything goes, simple 2 chord strummers, mind-bendingly hard masterpieces; whatever you feel like sharing. And unlike the camp, you can play as many songs for us as you like.

If you think you'd like to join in but you have no idea what to record, ask yourself this - What would you play at an open mic if you had the opportunity?

I'm currently working on a Jason Mraz piece which I hope to record in two or three weeks. I have a terrible cold at the moment, a really croaky voice and I definitely can't sing now anyway.

So who's first? Daryl? Chris? Kevin? Dermot? Cori? Lynn? Ness? Step up, this could be a heap of fun.


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Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:47 am

Recording a video offline by yourself isn't quite the same as performing live at an open mic (for obvious reasons). Something like Hangouts On Air would be a much closer approximation of the experience.

Disclaimer: I work for Google but I could just as easily tell you about a bunch of Google products I'm not in the least bit fond of. Even a couple of the ones I worked on myself. In fact, especially a couple of the ones I worked on myself :)


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Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:00 am

Hey Steve,

That's really interesting and seriously COOOOOOOL. I've never heard of it. It would potentially be possible to organise a time and then play to a live TG audience; much scarier indeed and a one shoot performance - ahhhhhh!!!.

I of course realise that a busking thread where you simply upload a video is not the same as an open mic session, no where near it in terms of nerve-wrecking. I was really just trying to capitalise on the camp buzz and encourage a bit more performance sharing which has fallen off a bit lately.

Thanks for the link. Imaging if TG really did to virtual open mic using the hangouts on air approach, now that WOULD be interesting, indeed.

Thanks for the info.


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Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:24 am

It's pretty cool how it works. You can have up to 10 people participating directly in the hangout, sending their audio and video. Those could be the people who are up next to play and/or TG personnel to coordinate and provide feedback. The big picture automatically switches to whoever is talking or playing at any given time, and everyone else appears in little thumbnails. As people finish they can drop off and open up spots for others who are coming up. Any number of people can watch without sending audio or video, and of course the whole thing gets recorded automatically for later viewing. Unfortunately because of latency people couldn't play together. The timing would be off. Theoretically any of us could host a hangout, but if it was run through a TG account it could all be conveniently organized under a single YouTube channel.


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Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:30 am

WOW! Steve the potential there is enormous.

Are there any actual virtual open mic session operating already that you're aware of?

Are there any special system requirements? I've just down-loaded the iPad app.

GOSH! A real virtual open mic session...that I could participate in...I'm panicing already. :) you're right video are REALLY not the same. :)

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Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:57 am

Here's a couple I found with a quick search:

There aren't really any special requirements. Just a modern web browser and a webcam and microphone, that sort of thing.


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Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:38 am


Thanks Steve.

Well there's a concept that Neil and Matt can consider for sure. It sure would be a motivator for people to practice and consolidate and refine the stuff they know.

Very interesting.


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Sat Sep 28, 2013 5:20 am

That is really amazing...(the hangout on air)

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Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:59 am

Michele and Steve,
Both ideas are intriguing. It sounds like either could be organized quite easily. I'd hate to put any more work on Neil or Matt. Having a separate open mic channel might be nice, so that one could just watch and let them play one after another. I did that with the collaboration channel yesterday and it was cool to see all of those.

I also think that the occasional "hangout on the air" would be a fantastic group event!
Who knew such a thing existed? Thanks, Steve!

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Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:08 am

I just did a try out hangout,,record a thing and yes it was there but the sound was terrible,,more to figure out..

It really sets you to practice your stuff as well...I think..


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