IGC Notes August 21

TG started our International Guitar Camp in 2013 and now are hosting two each year, our Spring Camp at the end of April and our Fall Camp in early September.
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Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:09 pm

Hi Gang,

Less than two weeks out and here is some info.

It would be great if everybody could shoot a little introductory video as Larry asked about recently. Things you could mention could include:

What kind of stuff you like to play
How you found TG
What you'd like to get out of IGC

You should have gotten a DropBox invite from Larry where you can upload and watch videos. These could really help us out so please consider it.

Things to bring-
Music stand, footstool if you use one, guitar stand
Favorite pillow or towel (all bedding and plenty of towels are provided)
A couple songs to maybe teach others
A few songs to play at Open Mic or mealtime entertainment.
(I hope we have volunteers willing to play 15-20 minutes during meals)

Roommates and Diet
This would be a good time to remind us of any dietary requests. Presentation can easily accommodate vegetarian and gluten-free.

A few people have asked about single rooms, there are a few but mostly 2 beds to a room. We have about an even mix of first timers and returners and we would generally like to pair up one of each unless anybody has specific requests, some of which I know have already been sent to Nani.

Tentative Schedule
The general plan is to have two instructional sessions each morning, 9:00 and 10:30, and a third around 3:00. Thursday the AM sessions will both be with vocal teacher Jim Bruno as he has to leave town that afternoon. Friday and Saturday AM sessions will be one by Dave and one by Doug. More specifics on those soon.

I may not do any specific classes and just be available for what I am thinking of as "office hours." The idea is I may be staked out on a picnic table working on individual questions or problems where anyone else around listens in. Live Fly On The Wall in a manner of speaking. These would almost amount to private/public mini-lessons and may happen sometimes while classes are going on.

Vanessa will be doing something similar, as well as leading some campfire-type play a-longs during little break out sessions, probably around 2:00 most days.

We are very open to any suggestions or requests as far as what you might like to do as well.

Open Mic Nights
We will have most of every night after dinner set aside for Open Mic. We may have too many people to get to everybody every night, and we might have some non-registered folks join us sometimes (read that as the extended Hogan family). We plan to let everybody have a chance to have Dave back them up once, and Saturday we would like to have mostly duets or small groups of things you have worked on over the days.

We would also like to have 2-3 people play a few songs at each meal as mentioned above.

More details as they evolve,
