On the Beat - Episode 191 - Weekly Guitar Video News Wrap Up July 26th, 2013

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Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:47 pm

Hi Everyone,

The Weekly Wrap Up is ready!


http://www.totallyguitars.com/blog/guit ... 26th-2013/

http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/tota ... d519276594

Today my goal was to keep the News shorter than last week, maybe 5 minutes or so was the plan.
You can guess what happened. At least it was about 5 minutes shorter than last week. The stuff I
really wanted to get to included a couple of new challenges coming next week, one requiring listening
to The Beatles, as well as a few comments on our viral thread on the Beginnings of TG. I think I got to
most of that, along with some really random resurrecting of pieces that I should have practiced.

The new releases for the week featured Jim Croce's Bad, Bad Leroy Brown, Arlo Guthrie's Coming Into Los Angeles,
Christina Perri's A Thousand Years (thanks to Vanessa!), and Things We Said Today by The Beatles. We also
brought back a Student Review and a Fly On The Wall, looking at Tom's upload of Bermuda Triangle Exit and a
FOTW where Sandy and I talked about why, "I played it better at home" is a common battle-cry among musicians.

Sorry, gotta run, off to the mountains for some wine tasting with very old friends today...

Stay Tuned & In Touch,


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Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:10 pm

Aaaaah 'Fool On The Hill'......LOVE that one too! :cheer: Come to think of, I've always been a little more drawn to songs by Paul, always loved his singing! :)

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Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:19 pm

Thx,,off now,,to the fool on the hill,,,listen Of course..


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Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:54 pm

Another great week in the world of Totally Guitars!

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Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:38 am

Its official Chas, you are the OLDEST Target member. Note that Neil said OLDEST and not longest serving or original but OLDEST :woohoo:

Its been a fun week at TG with some great nostalgia and Neil (in his baddest shirt :) ) rounding things off so well with his unique Californian, meandering style of delivering the weekly wrap-up.

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Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:31 pm

neverfoundthetime wrote:
Its official Chas, you are the OLDEST Target member. Note that Neil said OLDEST and not longest serving or original but OLDEST :woohoo:

Its been a fun week at TG with some great nostalgia and Neil (in his baddest shirt :) ) rounding things off so well with his unique Californian, meandering style of delivering the weekly wrap-up.
Lol... I heard that but... Neil also stated Target started in 09 well my date is 08 so I'm even older .... :dry: :blush: :woohoo: :S :P

The viral thread was a bit like the old days where it kept getting hijacked then brought back to topic. Ahhh the good old bad old days

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Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:15 pm

Hey Neil,
If you are doing guitar arrangements for piano based songs, maybe you could consider 'Vienna' by Billy Joel. It's one of my favorites and I can't quite figure out the opening chords.

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Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:57 pm

Hi John,

Great suggestion, and coincidentally one my daughter just asked me to do for her as well. It's joined the 'to do' list but no promises just yet.


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