Busking Leonard Cohen — Bird on the Wire (strumming version)

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Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:22 pm

Okay, so: baby steps. I was nervous as all Hell but I did it. Here's my first video.

I'm in the midst of re-teaching my fingers where the chords are almost from scratch. After going through lots of lessons here I learned I not only have the baseball bat grip from hell, I've got the neck of the guitar in a death grip, I'm holding the pick too tight, and when Neil demonstrated "bad" strumming technique and said don't do that I had to laugh because that's exactly how I've been strumming.


Okay. I am excited to re-tool my basic playing based on a solid foundation this time. I totally don't mind that, it's fun and I feel like I'm already making rapid progress. I have lots of plans for this song, including adding bass line walk-ups, some more complicated strumming patterns for the bits where I have the drum track building up, and (of course) vocals. I can't bring it all together all at once but I will get there! :side:

Oh, and have to work on the studio lighting. I think I have a good camera placement but the lamp needs to be moved when I'm filming. I have that cool film noir shaded face thing going on. B)

[video type=youtube]S5JIgxhI5gI[/video]

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Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:10 am

Congratulations Mark you did it! That's the scariest video you'll make while here at TG believe me it gets easier every time.

Your strumming sounded nice and steady to me so you've obviously picked up some good pointers. Your timing sounded good too. And you didn't stop at any point you seemed very calm and focused. Good job.

I presume our gurus will have specific advice about how you can improve on what you're doing.

Regarding your comments about all the things you need to change, well working what you need to work on is the first step to doing it. You're on your way.

Thanks for taking the plunge and sharing your progress.

I love the hat.


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Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:53 am

Congrats Mark! Your first post! Like Michele said, it gets easier as you go. Good job with keeping the tempo all the way through. I'm sure Ness and Neil will have some suggestions for you.

Also I'm glad that my syncing tips helped you, and thanks for the advice about using ear buds instead of headphones. I will be giving that a try.


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Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:55 am

Thanks, Michele. I did feel better after I did it (and after 3-4 takes).

I was also reading about seated posture and related advice and how a stool was a recommended seat as opposed to cushy couches and armchairs and the like. I happen to have three of them in storage from when my kids lived with us (for seating at the breakfast bar) so dragged one out. That video was its debut, as well. Shortening up the guitar strap as you suggested did help quite a bit, I need to explore that further as I work into this new holding/posture.

I noticed in the video the neck of the guitar is still pretty level instead of at the recommended up-angle, but that's related to how you can still see my thumb. Losing the baseball grip is only going to happen over time, and methinks once I've fully relaxed the death grip I'll stop pulling the neck down.

I don't see all this navel-gazing as paralysis by analysis, rather as recognizing what I need to work on even as I do just "let go" and play-dammit-play. :side:


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Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:05 am

Thanks, Bill!

Yeah, I look forward to having that play-through vivisected by the masters. ;) After nearly a quarter century in the military I'm good with "tough love."

My creative mentor for things animation and film directing is notoriously blunt and brutal with his critiques and I've long been good with that. It makes me a better artist. :side:


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Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:08 am

...all this "bring it on!" after I've been terrified for weeks of doing this. Heh. Yeah. I'm just talkin' tough. :silly:

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Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:18 am

Congratulations Spinland Mark!

With all of the work you have been doing, it is paying off for you! Huge Congrats to you!

Your list of things to improve on is long. Keep these in mind and take steps to get them done, you are right to acknowledge them in your mind. But don't let all of that analogy take away your accomplishments at each step of the guitar learning journey. I guess what I mean to say is "Don't be too critical, enjoy each successful milestone and each step along the way". Guitar playing takes time, (as you already know) and about the time you master one style or new method, you will find yourself trying more things. Continue that challenging process but take it easy on yourself, have fun.

Nice job on your 1st video post on the forum! Thanks for sharing Mark and enjoy the ride!!!


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Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:22 am

Thanks, Bart!

I am my own worst critic, and self-flagellating to a fault. It's hard sometimes to let go and just enjoy the ride. Getting music back into my life is intended, in part, to help me develop that ability.

Very glad i found you guys, I feel I've found a safe space for that process. :side:

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Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:42 pm

Proud of you Mark! :cheer: And I'm so glad that you're happy yourself for sharing it here with us too, feeling this safe space as you put it. That's definitely what we would like to achieve here at TG and it's community.

I might shoot a little clip with some pointers and observations of your playing, likely tomorrow. No worries about it though, you did a very good job playing through it! ;)


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Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:12 pm

Good work mark.. a pleasure to meet you, and we can always use more hats around here !

cheers, david

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