First, my old standby. I bought it used in 1974, it is an Alvarez model 5014. It has been everywhere with me and I would never sell it or trade it or well you know. It has a solid spruce top, nicely yellowed with age, and mahogany back and sides.
However, last night I brought home my new pride and joy.:woohoo: A Seagull Maritime mini-jumbo cutaway with the QII electronics. It has a solid spruce top with mahogany back, sides and neck. The thing about the back and sides though is that they have a layer of wild red cherry sandwiched between two layers of mahogany. Nice projection with a very full and warm sound. I can't keep her close enough to me. In fact, t;) he wife got mad last night when I told her she had to sleep on the couch because there wasn't enough room in the bed for the three of us.