Matter of Taste

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Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:02 am

Best guitar players is always gonna be subjective given individual taste in music. But one of my favorites is Neil Young, other genres would be Clapton with his blues then maybe Rodrigo y Gabriela quite diverse really and I wouldnt say any of these was best!

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Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:38 am

No doubt. Some of the most technically difficult music often to me isn't particularly melodic, soulful, catchy, or moving (all attributes I find attractive in music). I had a friend once who absolutely loved the Dixie Dregs because of the progressive and complicated nature of their music. I couldn't listen to them for more than 5 minutes without getting irritated and bored. Hmm, come to think of it my friend was a drummer...

While I do admire players who can play fast or difficult pieces it is never the first thing that attracts me to their music. I'd take a catchy, repetitive riff any day.

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