Reading Music

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Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:37 pm

I have yet to begin to play but I am searching for a guitar and finding someone to teach me to play. How important is it that I learn how to read music or having the instructor be able to read music? Thanks for any input.

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Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:41 am

Laneto, you will be surprised at how easy reading music is. You will pick it up quickly. As for the instructor, someone that doesn't read music may be good indication that you need to keep looking and find the perfect instructor for you. Welcome to the world of sore fingers and musical delight!

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Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:05 am

I agree with haoli, being able to read music is not as hard as most people make it out to be. Being able to read and understand music (theory), yes I know I used that word, theory. However, being able to understand music, what works and why it works, will help you master your instrument and really in the long run makes it easier and makes you a better musician.
So, to the point, I would definitely say finding a teacher that reads music and can teach you to read music and also teach you some theory and how it relates to the guitar should be at top requirement.

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Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:10 am

Laneto IMHO Being able to read Traditional sheet music is a extra but not essential.
I and several of my friends are only able to read Tab, which basically tells you where to put your fingers and how to strum/pick
You will notice that Neil provides Tab, enough said!
As for an instructor, any that are enthusiastic and give you the desire, commitment to practice practice. you will surprise yourself how quick you can improve if you practice so keep at it

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Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:23 pm

Being able to sight read standard notation will take you more places than TAB alone. However its not everything it depends on what you want out of music. I imagine session musicians need standard notation. Funnily enough a form of Tab was around before standard notation

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Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:08 pm

To underscore the other replies--yes, the ability to read standard notation is helpful, especially for timings, rests, and tempo. However, TAB will get you through most popular music (especially songs you've already heard). Another benefit to TAB is that it is much easier to learn a song in an alternate tuning since chords and notes will be different. I do 99.9% of my new song learning in TAB. Reading standard notation for me is like reading Latin--slow and painful.

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Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:24 am

Learning guitar should be taken on in increments.
No need to rush out and take formal lessons right from the start. Get someone better at playing than you are to show you a few things, then when you know your way around the guitar and know a few chords, then sign up for lessons.
I personally like my students to know a little, rather than be absolute raw recruits.
It's true some pick up bad habits, but I have not ever seen anything that cant be rectified
And then yes, by all means learn to read music, it's no burden to carry and can open lots of doors that only reading tab (at this stage) won't open.

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