New Complete Free Lessons

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Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:13 am

I would like to introduce some lessons that show how to play a song all the way through. I have recently uploaded some lessons that I think will be pretty useful. These are real Mini-Lessons in my opinion but I would really appreciate your comments on this. I might even have to label these Mini-Lessons Mark II, in honor of one coming up in a few days. Let's see who can be the first from the TG Community to spot the reference...

The new videos include a couple of 12-Bar Blues lessons. One of these talks a bit about the blues scale and the other is a Rhythm Track for you to jam with. There is also an upgraded lesson on Good Riddance, and a look at Neil Young's Ohio. All of these include TAB. I hope you enjoy them and please let me know what you think.
