Guitar Pro Files

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Sat May 23, 2009 2:28 pm

Jim, I was working on building a 12 bar blues progression for picking training. I hit the same problem as to repeat a section. I looked in the Bar menu for the Repeat Open and Repeat Close (also available as icons). So let say we take your example of repeated strumming bars. For the bar that you want to repat click anywhere in the first strumming bar and insert Repeat open. Then select repeat close. A menu open and you can select the number of iterations. It seems that when you select 2 there is no notation on the score but if you select 3 and up it will show: ex 3X. So the repeat open and repeat close act as parenthesis.

It is nicer than copy the same bar many times, however if you want to follow the green line in each bar to see where you are, it is better to copy paste and have all the bars listed.


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Sat May 23, 2009 5:59 pm

AndyT wrote:
Guitar Pro will also import TEF-View TABs.
There is a bit of a learning curve, but its very much worth it.

You can get free Guitar Pro TABs here:

I'm really glad Neil will be using GP for TABS.
This is one of the besat guitar pro site around at present. I may be wrong about importing PDF's though but you can definitely export to PDF I use that to send the files to work so I can play my guitar there. PDF auto scroll is a useful function it can be slowed or speeded up to scroll at playing speed

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Sat May 23, 2009 7:35 pm

OK Guys,

My comment in regard to exporting GPro files as .pdf was in relation to uploading my TAB and having members review my work to suggest improvements or revisions. Neil said he would have his tech guys work on the ability for us to upload (and hopefully download) GPro files. Sorry for the confusion but it looks like in GPro you can export and import ASCII, MIDI and MusicXML in GPro5.

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Sat May 23, 2009 9:54 pm

auto scroll the pdf file. That is a good idea. I almost never play guitar in front of the computer. I play in a different room different floor. I print from power tab or guitar pro. I prefer guitar pro as it looks a little more readable to me when printed.

But I know acrobat reader has good zoom features. Not sure if it keeps that for the printed version or not. But I figure that out pretty quickly.

Yea I kind of do things old school. I have a folder in my guitar case of what I am working on or most intersted in working on. I play from paper. I have recently learned what a relief double sided printing can be. Cuts the paper count in half.

But I would like to be able to zoom to whatever level I liked for playback. Both guitar pro and power tab have a playback feature where you are supposed to follow along and play. But I could never get into that. I can never keep up with there scrolling and what note they are on. And the audio coming back from teh program while I am trying to play and struggling at times with a new piece just bugs me. Never use that feature. But really enjoy the playback feature for figuring out if the tab might be right. Or even close.

Now I just need to get a nice 20+ inch flat screen monitor for viewing while playing and take things back to the computer. Yea I got a laptop but the 17" is too small and the backlight on it is dying so the screen is too dark for must uses. I am making that into my entertainment center computer. Got a 36" tv there, but need to switch to HighDef to really get the good out of it I am looking for.

So thanks for the suggestion...
David Clark

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Sun May 24, 2009 4:50 pm

Could someone tell me just what GuitarPro does, why they use it, when we would use it, and why?

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Sun May 24, 2009 6:04 pm

If I may, I will give you my impressions on Guitar Pro. First there are other softwares that do similar stuff: Power Tab and Tef view which are both free while Guitar Pro is about $60 US.

One of the issue that stop me playing for many years ago was, that after a lesson I was on my own for a week or so. I did not have a reference but what the teacher told me and since I would forget some of what he said, I would struggle. With Totally guitar it is of course much easier with all those nice videos and well explained theory that you can run again and again. However Guitar pro and the likes are very useful (when you have the rigth partition) as you can look for a song that is not yet on the site and can start working on it. It is better to see someone playing it but it is another tool you can use

When you start guitar pro, you select the partition you want (They are free on the web for you to download), you can then see the tabs ,the notes and the tempo. After you start it, you will see a green line following the notes. Since you can hear the music from your speaker, you can easily see or understand a section which might difficult. You can slow down the speed, higlight a section and play it. You can also loop that section to play it repeatedly. You can increase progressively the tempo of that section so that you accompany it.

I prefer Guitar pro to the others , as I prefer the inteface and the features I just mentionned. You get a demo version for 15 days and it is fully functional besides the starting splash screen that reminds you how long is left before it expires.

When you are a bit more advanced, you can write your own score like some of the people on the forum are doing.

Hope this helps


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Mon May 25, 2009 1:22 am

It takes my hand scribbled notes or a piece of "piano" music and gives me a nice playable peice of professional music with built in tab that is more than good enough to use for a band. Here is an example of it's output. Hopefully I'm not breaking any copyright laws here, but this is one I typed out in GPro 5.0

I tried to add a picture to this post, but if I make it within size restrictions it will be too small to read. So check this link: ... aceuke.bmp

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Mon May 25, 2009 6:00 pm

Thanks guys! That gave me an understanding of what it is/does.

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