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Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:51 am

I know that the Detroit Police used to have a band called 'The Blue Pigs'. They were all really good and played concerts at schools where they gave talks on safety and stuff. The kids really loved it. The band would really give a good show, wearing costumes and wigs and stuff depending on the song they were playing. I saw them play a few times.

Our guitar ministry plays for all the water baptisms. We set up tents at the beach and about 10 of us just do our best to make a joyful noise as the Pastors baptize everyone. We have been doing that for about a year and a half now.

One of our other ministries visits the hospital and does a wandering minstrel kind of thing as the Pastor visits. Its pretty cool and as soon as I can play better I plan on joining them.

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Fri Jul 10, 2009 5:04 am

AndyT wrote:
I know that the Detroit Police used to have a band called 'The Blue Pigs'. They were all really good and played concerts at schools where they gave talks on safety and stuff. The kids really loved it. The band would really give a good show, wearing costumes and wigs and stuff depending on the song they were playing. I saw them play a few times.
LOL BLue PIgs I love it, I would love to change the name of our band but its one of those things now its a culture in the station, this would actually be its first ever outing beyond a Police function though, but its for a good cause promoting awareness about rising domestic violence, thats what my song i wrote is all about.. I think its cheesy but the Band like it go figure...

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:41 pm

At the studio I work at, the head engineer is heavily involved with non-profit organizations, and there's one group of abused children that he does work with, and when the leader of the organization polled the kids for a field trip, they chose our studio over amusement parks and such, which is a big honor for us. So the kids are going to be coming in, of all ages, and they're going to watch one of our bands preform, while we record it live, and then give them a each a copy. I think that this will be one of the coolest gigs that I could ever imagine.


P.S. Any Twin Peaks fans? I could start my posts with "Diane". Hahaha.

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:38 pm

I do that on a volunteer basis. I enjoy playing in Nursing Homes and Senior Centers. In my regular gig, i play everything from Eddie Arnold to Jason Mraz. When I do the Senior and Nursing Home gigs, I stick to the Roger Whitaker, Eddie Arnold, Ray Price, Merle Haggard, Jim Reeves, and stuff like that. Did you know that Eddie Arnold's "Make the World Go Away" and Ray Price's "For the Good times" roll right into one another? G---Am7---D----G.....


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