I Swore Blind I Wouldn't Do It... But!!!

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Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:01 pm

Good on ya Chas, that's the best gift you could give yourself............welll................ next to a really good guitar, which you can buy with all the cash you save from not buying the death sticks. :)


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Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:15 pm


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Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:34 pm

Well done mate keep it up. In my opinion we are all a long time gone, there's no need to hurry.

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Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:44 pm

Way to go Chas! Don' worry about any side effects, no one will notice the difference if you throw a wobbler ;-)

Wiley, great going on the abstinence too... power to you both!

Just a thought. It may help to frame the abstinence (from whatever) as just starting out on a new habit of being healthy and making a choice for good health each day. That way the spectator of the bad habit is no loner present in the sub-conscious... instead there is just the good habit taking up all that free space once occupied by the monster. How you hold things in your mind makes a BIG difference.

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Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:15 pm

That's a great achievement Chas. Great work mate. While I've never been a smoker myself I've seen members of my family try it and it looks like a hell of a beast to kick.

Think of all the money you'll save and how quickly you'll be able to make Cole Clark that much richer. :)

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Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:30 pm

Huge congratulations, Chas. May your quitting be painless and free from discomfort.

The one piece of advice I'd offer is this: don't ever take another hit off a cigarette, thinking that one hit is harmless and that you've got it totally under control. Pretty soon you'll be convincing yourself that you can have an entire cigarette -- harmless, you think, because it's only one. Then you convince yourself that having one a day is no big deal. Then it's one after breakfast and one after lunch. Pretty soon you're giving yourself permission to have one after each meal, so you invent reasons to eat so that you can smoke. And then you're a smoker again.

Not even one hit.

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Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:16 pm

Thanks guys great to get such positive comments, well into day 4 now and no noticeable side effects other than my wallet is not as empty. That new Cole Clark might be a reality yet Michele. I hear ya Dennis, been there before and did exactly that. This time its because I want to and that's the difference. The dog thinks its great he gets longer walks now. And yes Dermot definitely more guitar time of late, which is good as I really went off the boil with playing for quite sometime.

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Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:27 am

Look forward to 4 days becoming 4 weeks becoming 4 months becoming 4 years Chas, its a great step to take.

Travelling every day on the Swiss train network (they actually run very seriously on time!) you get exposed to clouds of second-hand smoke off the trains. On the platforms, in the hallways waiting to board walking down the tunnel any number of people light up and you have to hold your breath or just put up with it, every day, every train journey. I love the folks who take the last drag on the platform and blow the smoke out into the carriage as they board so that you can savour it for the next 5 minutes in that enclosed space. I hate having to breath in smoke especially early on a sunny clear winter morning when I was just enjoying the crisp fresh air. I know the folks blowing that deadly poison into my lungs are oblivious to it and the discomfort it causes. I really don't mind if someone smokes but I am seriously thinking of getting a badge made with ...


Welcome to my side of the fence :laugh:

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Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:31 am

12 years and going strong for me. It was very nearly murder for me while I was quitting. I turned incredibly mean. Or at least my wife thought so. LOL
Keep going, you CAN beat it.

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Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:28 am

neverfoundthetime wrote:
Look forward to 4 days becoming 4 weeks becoming 4 months becoming 4 years Chas, its a great step to take.

Travelling every day on the Swiss train network (they actually run very seriously on time!) you get exposed to clouds of second-hand smoke off the trains. On the platforms, in the hallways waiting to board walking down the tunnel any number of people light up and you have to hold your breath or just put up with it, every day, every train journey. I love the folks who take the last drag on the platform and blow the smoke out into the carriage as they board so that you can savour it for the next 5 minutes in that enclosed space. I hate having to breath in smoke especially early on a sunny clear winter morning when I was just enjoying the crisp fresh air. I know the folks blowing that deadly poison into my lungs are oblivious to it and the discomfort it causes. I really don't mind if someone smokes but I am seriously thinking of getting a badge made with ...


Welcome to my side of the fence :laugh:
FARQ they allow smoking on public transport amazing, you can't smoke anywhere here in NZ nowadays, they are talking about banning smoking in private cars next...

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