Who Would You Loan Your Best Guitar to?"

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Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:49 pm

If someone told me they sold my guitar, I'd lose it. Right there. All over him. Blood guts and veins in your teeth kind of stuff. LOL Not really. But I would be extremely angry. I was raised to respect people and a part of that is taking care of things they loan me. How I care for something shows how I care for the person it came from. I've ended many 'friendships' because of this. Yeah, it's a very old fashioned way, but it's the right way.

Pawned??? Man..... That just makes the hair on the back of my neck stand right up....

Ok.... Gotta go pray now. Need forgiveness for what I'm thinking.... LOL

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Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:06 pm

Unless I am sitting besides the person, nobody uses my guitar. Rick I am sorry to hear about the surgery , looking forward to hear about you getting back playing .


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Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:57 pm

I have to agree with pretty much everyone here. I'd happily let friends play my guitars, but I can't see loaning out a guitar to pretty much anyone. I use them all regularly, for one. For another, I care too much about how they are treated to just let go of them. And lastly, I've had too many things not returned, or returned late, or returned in bad condition to let them go.

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Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:48 pm

Thank you all so much for the kind wishes on my hand surgery. I'll be about 4-6 weeks without playing but then as good as new- hopefully. Andy to your question, they don't know what's causing these surgeries but being a diabetic seems to be a common thread. They also think my working in construction, especially with impact tools like jackhammers, when I was younger may play a part.

I agree with all of you that your favorite guitar is just too precious to loan out. If you want to sit and play side by side I'm okay with that all day long. But taking the instrument that I've held, played and taken care of for so long, out of my house, was really a strange sensation. That guitar was custom ordered from Larrivee and I can't replace it at any cost. It is one of a kind.

I'm really regretting my generosity but hearing from you guys makes me feel better that you all would feel the same way. I'm more worried about my guitar than my hand surgery. Go figure.

Thanks again for your feedback and well wishes. I really appreciate it! :cheer:

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Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:17 pm

How about if someone asked you, "Hi, I can't find my guitar right now, can I borrow yours ?"

I've been on both sides of that conversation when it came to handyman's tools, never happened to me regarding guitars yet.

Another good reason to have more than one guitar ... pretty hard to misplace more than one (I hope) !

Oh yes, Rick ... best wishes with your bearpaw :)


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Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:42 pm

My guitars are not the top of the line, however, they mean a lot to me and I could not afford to replace them if lost or damaged, so no I would not loan them out.


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Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:49 am


I wish you a speedie recovery on the surgery mate. I hope you're playing before you know it. But 4-6 weeks, ouch and then regrowiing your callouses and the surgery itself...ouch, ouch, ouch all around. I sure hope it's a pain free time for you.

My guitars...well I guess it depends who it is and why. I'd find it stressful. It would be an act of deeeeeeeep love if I did and even then I'd need to be prepared to accept what comes. Mind you I've injured my Larrivee multiple times recently and I'm getting better with accepting that shit happens.

I'm trying to be less precious with my guitars. So you never know. But....


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Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:50 am

dennisg wrote:
This is an interesting question, and I'm going to answer it like a writer. It all depends on one's definition of "loan." If you mean who would I let sit in my house and play my best guitar, the answer is ... just about anyone, although I'd check to see if he or she has any lethal zippers or belt buckles. If you mean who would I let take the guitar away from my house to play it at his/her leisure, the answer is ... no one. One of the reasons I have more than one guitar is for situations like this, so that if something happened to a lesser loaned guitar, I wouldn't feel despondent. I'd be ticked off, but not suicidal.

THis is me although I do get anxious even when friends play my guitars and I'm right beside them.

PS Bear good luck with the surgery and more importantly getting your Larrivee back in the condition it was lent

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Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:46 am

Hard lines about the surgery Rick. Get well soon mate, you've had some shitty cards but you will get through it.

Lend my Taylor? LEND my Taylor??! I DON'T THINK SO!!!!

Like pretty much everyone I'd let a friend play it in my home no problem, but I wouldn't let it out of my sight.

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Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:24 am

.... out of my cold dead hands! (said in my best Charlton Heston voice). At least, as far as taking it out of the house is concerned :-). Otherwise, not fussy.

Good op and recovery Bear! May your hands work better than ever before..... which reminds me of the guy who went to the doctor and asked him if he'd be able to play the guitar after his up-coming hand surgery. The doctor said:
"Well of course, all being well you'll have no problem at all to play the guitar, good man"
to which the good man replied,
"Well that's great 'cos I'd be buggered if I could play it before!"


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