Motivation, inspiration... perspiration; losing, finding and keeping your musical mojo

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Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:39 pm

Hi everyone,

Motivation can be a fickle thing. Have you ever found that? How do you maintain your motivation to play and improve?

I’ve been struggling to find the time and motivation to play the guitar for quite a while. For the second half of last year I became so busy and stressed out by work and other things that were happening in my life that I basically stopped playing the guitar. Occasionally I would start learning a song, or play something I knew, but eventually I was playing so little that my callouses all but disappeared.

Luckily things have changed a bit and I’m now trying to get back into it. I’m as rusty as hell and of course I haven’t been able to play for very long because it hurts too much; or did. I was also finding it discouraging that I could no longer play songs I’d committed to memory and I was finding it hard to play many parts of songs that I’d previously conquered.

I’m gradually getting some dexterity and some confidence back as I start to rebuild songs that aren’t too hard. But,... I still feel like I have a long way to go to build myself back up to the point I was at before I let it all go....

A few things in particular have motivated me to just push through the pain and psychological discomfort; a TZZ project I’ve been working on, my desire to get back to playing at a level where it’s much more enjoyable and most recently, a great version of “If I Needed You” by Vanessa and Corina (which I’m now learning properly).

I’m back on the path but it’s definitely been a struggle trying to refind my musical mojo.

Have any of you had a similar experience recently? ..or one you remember well enough to tell us about?

What did you do to get back on track? What helped you to get motivated and inspired again?

Read you later.


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Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:25 am

Been there. Actually still there. I haven't played guitar for a year or two now. I've lost track of how long it's actually been. And I have no idea how to get my "mojo" back. I'm not a happy camper.

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Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:05 pm

Gosh Daryl! That’s some lull. I didn’t realize it had been that long. The TG community in particular is definitely poorer for it.

Perhaps a collaboration would get us both out of the long grass and back on track. :) let me know if you’d like to try something.

... or... perhaps you need a challenge you can’t resist... hmm... something with the Beatles in it... B) :P ;) ... that might work...


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Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:49 am

Michele and Daryl

A long time ago I took guitar lessons for about 3 years and then I quit because I was working full time and raising a family. I didn't play guitar for 20+ years. When I started back up I just kept saying to myself that I wish I had just kept up with the songs that I had already learned even if I didn't have time to improve my skills. It would have been so much easier to pick up where I left off rather than start over. :S :S

Now I try to keep myself motivated by taking guitar lessons to improve my skills and learn new songs, occasionally I perform at an open Mic, and I attend IGC where so many magical, musical things happen with great friends and wonderful instructors. I try to get together with friends and practice music when I can, I also video my couch concerts occasionally and put them on my you tube channel, and once I even performed on a video with a famous band called the Time Zone Zombies.That was the most fun of all. :) :) :)

Sometimes I think you just have to change things up occasionally to stay motivated when learning to play guitar because it takes work, and everyone has their own way to keep their interest in music fresh and exciting. My only suggestion from my experience is that at the very least try to play a song or two a day from your repertoire just to keep up the skills you have already acquired. :) :)


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Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:39 am

Hey Sandy!

Always great to hear from you. Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re absolutely right. The key is not to stop even if you just play rather than learn new stuff. Basically I just got too busy, spending too much time working and I was too tired for anything else.

My fingers have toughened up a bit now and that’s helping heaps.

I figured that this thread might help others too to avoid some pitfalls and get great advice.

Thanks and you crack me up too.

Thanks sweet woman.


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Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:08 am

Wow, Shel, that's a deep and many-layered question! :woohoo:

Based on where I am in my own journey right now I feel like this should open some floodgates or something. It's tapping into stuff deep near the core of my being.

I think because of that I'm overwhelmed with stuff to say. :silly:

Didn't want to let this pass without saying at least that much; perhaps for the rest I'm gonna need time to peel away layers and find stuff to share.

To make a (probably meandering) start...I'm thinking music to me is about connecting. I enjoy it in private, sure, but as I slowly emerge from the protective shell I built around me I find myself craving ways to connect—safe ways, but ways that are still emotionally satisfying. When I was younger and singing all the time I felt that connection to the people I was singing to, and that was part of what I gave up when life did what life does and I responded the way I did.

Okay, so. Motivation. I hear stuff and think, "I could do that." Sometimes I also think, "I'd like to do that where others might like it." I came to IGC completely unprepared to "perform," I came with a mindset of I was going to a week of guitar lessons. I came away powerfully affected by the open mic experience (even when I crashed and burned).

My motivation now? Next time I will be ready. And the time after that. And maybe for other opportunities to connect with people in an engaging, healthy way.

Music hath charms to draw Spinny out from his shell. B)


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Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:38 pm

Great response Mark. Connection... music (and TG) has been powerful for me too. It’s connected me to people across the globe; some of whom have become my best friends.

I also find that making music WITH people (even when it’s via technology) is very motivating and uplifting too.

Good luck with IGC this year. I found I wasn’t as prepared as I’d wanted to be too. But jumping into the deep end of the performing pool was still a blast.


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Sun Feb 04, 2018 8:08 am

Nice to see you back motivating the forum and us all out of our winter lethargy Shel :-). Not the same without you!

Boredom. Let's mention boredom too. I have been bored so often in my musical journey, I can't count the times. But its always been my own damned fault, my own lack of imagination or knowledge or ability. I find myself often in a death-loop of just playing the same old stuff when I should be learning new things and moving on and expanding. My own laziness. Don't get me wrong, its so important to practice and repeat stuff to master it; you have to go through boredom to reach mastery, that's my firm belief. But you also have to recognize when its time to breakthrough a wall or move to something new and set up a challenge. I don't need to tell you this, look at all the progress and leaps and bounds you have made here moving to the yuke, the bass to recording and collaborating creating the TZZ! You're the poster girl! :laugh:

And life gets in the way so often and I am so sorry to hear that's been the case for you for a while. But all things pass and I am glad to see you coming through yet again :laugh: .

Daryl, man that upsets me to see you stuck. You have been so helpful and inspiring here at TG and I want to thank you publicly for taking the time to help me on Gerry Rafferty's Wise as a Serpent which I really need to finish and post to show you the respect that deserves. Its definitely time for another collab! You name it! :)

As for inspiration. TG has been (almost) 10 years of pure inspiration from the lessons to these threads to the collaborations and meeting up with so many wonderful people and all of the exchanges these connections have spawned. You are absolutely spot on Mark, our guitar playing and music making is so much about connecting at soul level. That's what keeps me moving. Seeing someone tear-up as I'm singing a song and realising something special is happening is very moving. I was terrified of putting myself out there, years ago. I kept going and am only half as scared these days, its been well worth it :laugh: .

Hope I'm not rambling.... but as Mark points out, the question triggers so much...

PS: Oh yeah, leave a guitar on its stand in every room you have, its just begging you to pick it up even if only for 10 mins. Guitars should not live in guitar coffins!

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Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:48 am

I, too, am having trouble finding inspiration. Totally lost my guitar mojo at the moment. Probably lots of contributing factors, work, life, and as Chris said, boredom (and yes that is my own fault). There's no end to the songs I'd like to learn, and I don't have to look far to get started. Until a week ago, I had not picked up my guitar for months. I still check in here at TG, even when I'm not playing. And Neil recently put up Girl from Ipanema and Mike posted his video of Never Been to Spain, and Vanessa just put up a lesson on that, so I've got a couple of new ones that I want to learn. I've not started on either of them yet. Still getting my callouses back by playing through songs that I know well and enjoy singing and playing. The fingerpicking I'll try to get back to soon, and the lessons mentioned above.

As for finding or re-finding my inspiration - I've noticed that I had gotten out of the habit of listening to music, so I'm consciously making time to do that. Finding the opportunities to play with others is also motivating for me. The prospect of Guitar Camp has always been a motivating influence, but since I'm not going this year, perhaps that is another cause of my un-motivation.

During my fifty (yikes!) years of playing, there have been other periods of time (years even) when I didn't play, but I've always come back to the guitar. I'd rather not let this drought go on too long, because I've made a lot of progress in the last few years and I know that I'm happier when I'm playing regularly and learning new songs.

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Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:19 am

Really good thread Michelle!
I am amazed that so many are experiencing a lul in their motivation. :(

Daryl, you have been an inspiration to so many guitarist here at TG that it really saddens me to think you are in a rut.
Just a suggestion.....Why not try to learn something new, a new skill perhaps? by that I mean for instance, if you can't play slide, learn it now.
Or as has been suggested, get a collaboration going. I for one would love to see the outcome of that. Here's a challenge for you Daryl....If you post a video, then so will I, how about that?

Michelle, just get started! If you wait for it to happen, then it never will! You are the most motivated person on this forum! Give yourself a good talking to. :P :)

Auntlynnie.......write yourself some goals, get yourself a schedule and start playing! Go and get a lesson from Neil. The longer you leave it the harder it will be. :)

Sorry if I missed anyone out!!

Just Do It!!!

Tom N.

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